Ceri Shaw



Playlists: 6
Blogs: 1938
events: 233
youtube videos: 537
SoundCloud Tracks: 21
images: 827
Files: 55
Invitations: 9
Groups: 33
audio tracks: 1098
videos: 8

Letter From America: Nineteenth Century Emigrants to America and their Correspondence

Letter From America: Nineteenth Century Emigrants to America and their Correspondence

Thursday February 25 2010, 7:00 PM
@ Lecture Theatre 2.3, Humanities Building, Colum Rd, Cardiff
Attendees:  @Ceri Shaw

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NWAF Cymru Annual 'Presidents Day' Lecture 2010
Following the success of the 2008 and 2009 lectures you are warmly invited to attend this years event.

The 2010 lecture will be given by Dr. Bill Jones of he School of History and archaeology, and chaired by Paul Loveluck, President NWAF Cymru. The event will be hosted by the Cardiff Center for Welsh American Studies, Cardiff University.

Free entry to NWAF members. If you are not a member you are invited to make a donation to the work of the NWAF - diolch yn fawr . For membership and general information on the National Welsh American Foundation visit:-
