Ceri Shaw



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Dylan Thomas’s A Child’s Christmas in Wales, Stone Soup Theatre, Seattle, Washington

Dylan Thomas’s A Child’s Christmas in Wales, Stone Soup Theatre, Seattle, Washington

Saturday December 5 2009, 7:30 PM
@ Stone Soup Theatre's Downstage, 4029 Stone Way, North...
Attendees:  @Ceri Shaw

A message fro the Team at The Stone Soup Theatre:- "Hello! This Christmas season at Stone Soup Theatre in Seattle, WA, we are producing Dylan Thomas’s A Child’s Christmas in Wales. We’d like to encourage your organizations to bring groups of family and friends to attend performances, which run from December 4 to Christmas Eve, because of your strong connection to Dylan Thomas’s heritage. Because of this connection, we are offering a reduced price for groups of eight or more. Tickets will be $12 each, if reserved in response to this email through the main office, which can be reached at (206) 633-1883. (The original price of a ticket is $16, so this is a great deal!)

Don’t miss the opportunity to experience our version of Christmas at Stone Soup, which will also include live, classic Welsh instrumentation and vocals. The play is a heart-warming take on the poet’s childhood memoirs. Watch the magic unfold onstage as the performers recreate Thomas’s childhood Christmases when everything was brighter and better. We see how he realizes that our experiences of Christmas do not change with time, but instead that they hold a place in a hearts that can never be filled.

Attached is a copy of our postcard, which includes location and purchasing information. We recommend distributing this information in a newsletter or via email. We’d love to have you attend this production! Any and all are welcome because Dylan Thomas’s story is one that everyone can enjoy. Please feel free to email our theatre with any more questions – stonesouptheater@earthlink.net.

Thank you so much for your time.


The Team at Stone Soup Theatre"