Ceri Shaw



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Welsh American Day at The Smithsonian Folk Festival

Welsh American Day at The Smithsonian Folk Festival

Saturday June 27 2009, 7:00 PM
@ National Mall, Washington D.C.
Attendees:  @Lori H@Phil Wyman@Ceri Shaw

Events kick off with a concert starting at 6 p.m., Friday, June 26, on the Welsh Dragon stage. The concert will feature the launch of the new Smithsonian Folkways CD, Blodeugerdd: Song of the Flowers, and a Welsh Dance Party. 11 a.m. Welcome to all Welsh American visitors,

Saturday, June 27

11 a.m. Welcome to all Welsh American visitors, The Welsh Dragon

1 – 2 p.m. Welsh Trivia Contest with Prizes, Rugby Club

2 – 3 p.m. Welsh Cake Cook-off, Taste of Wales Demonstration Kitchen Do you have the best Welsh cake recipe? If so, tell us about it in 25 words or less and email HagadornL@si.edu by June 8, 2009, to compete for a space in the cook-off. Prizes!

4 – 5:30 p.m. Welsh National Opera and Rehoboth Choir (Delta, Pa.), The Welsh Dragon

4 – 5:30 p.m. Open Session, all musicians welcome, Rugby Club

5:30 – 7 p.m. Parti Cut Lloi (Welsh folk choir): Welsh folk songs and hymns sing-along, Rugby Club

11 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Full line-up of Welsh music, crafts, food demonstrations, and more Meet-and-greet station at the Wales and the World tent Hands-on activities in the Family Activities tent and the Around the Table tent For more information, visit our Web site, www.festival.si.edu .

Ymwelydd anfynych
06/02/09 12:18:36AM @ymwelydd-anfynych:
Rwy'n un o'r rhai fydd yn mynd i lawr i gynrychioli Cymrodorion Boston. Os ydych chi'n siarad Cymraeg, cofiwch codi'ch llais, a chofiwch hefyd fod "Pawb a'i Farn" yn edrych am gynulleidfa. Mae'n bosibl y bydd modd talu ychydig o dreuliau'r rhai fydd yn bresennol hefyd.The Boston Cymrodorion will be represented.
Phil Wyman
06/01/09 09:25:13PM @phil-wyman:
I will be there. In fact I will be there through the week.If you are from New England and plan on going, let's put our heads together, and find a way to make the most out of this event. I am hoping we can represent New England as Welsh happy place. Who is up for the short travel down to DC, and the best opportunity to meet Wales in the US we will see in our lifetime?