Ceri Shaw



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North American Festival of Wales 2020 - Poetry Composition Competitions

user image 2020-07-15
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: Events
The North American Festival of Wales may not be meeting in person this year, but virtual events are still in the works, and the #NAFOW #Eisteddfod carries on!  
This year, they offer two new competitions - - Poetry Composition in Welsh and English.  Click on the link for all relevant information & guidelines!
The winner (if any) in each category gets a grand prize of $250 (US), plus an opportunity to recite your work for "virtual" #NAFOW events over Labor Day weekend.  
The theme for this year is "Hope/Gobaith", applicable to both competitions.  Entries submitted for English Language also must involve some relevance to Wales and/or Welsh history or culture.  Specifics on requested poem length and meter, etc., are in the detailed guidelines.
There is no entry fee for either competition, and the deadline for entering is August 12, 2020.  (Please note:  this is not a postmark deadline; all entries must be received by that date.)  Submissions will be accepted via email as well as via air/surface mail; please consult the detailed guidelines for specific instructions.
So go ahead, start writing... and please write to  eisteddfod@nafow.org  with any questions!
LINK TO NAFOW EISTEDDFOD PAGE:  http://festivalofwales.org/ eisteddfod-2020.html