Ceri Shaw



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Advertise For Christmas (and all year 2019) on AmeriCymru

user image 2018-11-26
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: Miscellaneous


AmeriCymru has 4 spots available in the right hand column on ad supporting pages. These ads are $25 for a year AND we'll throw in the period between now and Christmas as well!!! We welcome ads for Welsh themed books, music, artwork and gifts BUT, please act now, time for this offer is running out.

We also have 5 $10 dollar spots on our new Christmas shopping page. If you want to advertise here to test the response, we will credit your $10 toward a full length (12 month) ad next year.  So, for a mere $15 extra you can advertise right up until next Christmas. Use the PayPal button below to reserve your spot or email americymru@gmail.com for more details.

Christmas Ads 2018-2019