Ceri Shaw



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The Day We Went To Maupin

user image 2018-10-01
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: Lifestyle

Out And About In Oregon (4)

I am not normally one to press my holiday snaps on others. Too many glazed eyes and polite stifled yawns over the years have convinced me that it is unwise. If, however you have a few seconds to spare please check out the pictures of Maupin in the gallery above.

Maupin in Eastern Oregon is an undiscovered gem and apart from kayakers and anglers it is largely ignored by visitors to the state who, understandably concentrate on Mt Hood, Crater Lake or the beautiful Oregon coast. In my opinion Maupin is well worth a visit and provides an ideal venue for a quiet weekend away and a superb  base from which to explore the surrounding countryside. Both Shaniko and the Tyghe Valley are within easy, and spectacular, driving distance. Mt Hood and the Columbia Gorge are easily reachable on day trips.

Over the years on AmeriCymru we like to think that we have enticed many Americans of Welsh descent to make the 'pilgrimage' to the old country. But what about Welsh visitors to the US? Sure you can visit New York, Chicago, L.A. etc but everyone visits those places. Why not go somewhere off the beaten track and get a real taste of rural America? Maupin ( and Oregon ) will not disappoint.