Ceri Shaw



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From The North American Festival of Wales: LAST CALL!

user image 2017-08-08
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: NAFOW
It's not too late to enter the singing and (poetic) recitation competitions at the Eisteddfod of The North American Festival of Wales ( www. nafow .org ), Sat. Sept. 2, 2017 , at the Hyatt Regency Rochester (125 East Main Street, Rochester, NY 14604) - deadline for receiving entry forms (via email or regular mail) is August 21 !
Everything you need to know is in the Information Sheet and Entry Form linked below and - excepting the Solo Voice / Semi-Professional (David G. Morris) Competition - all entry fees this year have been eliminated!
We look forward to seeing you onstage on Rochester... for any questions, contact us anytime at eisteddfod @ nafow .org !