Ceri Shaw



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Oooops, Hugely!

user image 2017-02-13
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: Miscellaneous

A chuckle for all you technophiles out there. The following is an extract from a tech support ticket I opened earlier today.

12 Feb 2017 05:10:28PM
Here is the url:- https://americymru.net/**********

But basically ALL sitebuilder pages (including existing ones) are affected similarly. When I copy code from a functioning page I usually press 'Save Changes' rather than 'Close' to shut it down. Don't know why....I just do. BUT I have noticed that perfectly good code blocks on functioning pages will not close in template code or html editor without generating the above error. Of course If I just shut the page down in the browser the page is working fine. BUT I cannot click 'Save Changes' anywhere without the syntax error message displaying. Existing pages continue to display correctly but new widgets on new pages even though they are syntactically identical to existing ones elsewhere on the site ....will not save. Hope that makes sense.

12 Feb 2017 05:12:41PM
This should be fixed now. Root cause was that you had BANNED your own server IP address:


Which meant Jamroom was not able to "call itself" to test the template. I removed the IP address from the Banned Items module and I think that will fix it for you.

Let me know if that helps.

12 Feb 2017 05:15:26PM
???????????????? Really....**** thats a first even for me! I gotta stop working on here after a sixpack of Natty Ice. :)

Many thanks for sorting that. Please tell me I'm not the only one :)

12 Feb 2017 05:15:56PM
No worries - glad it was an easy fix :)

Never let it be said that we don't take security seriously here at AmeriCymru. I have posted myself on 'Clients from Hell' .