Ceri Shaw



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By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: New Titles

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alunthebear.jpg One of Wales’ most beloved bears will be joining the Wales football team in his latest adventure.

In Alun the Bear and the Football Match by Morgan Tomos Alun has the opportunity to train with the Wales football team. But he can't play very well so he decides to be a referee instead. But what kind of referee will Alun be?

‘I was inspired by the Wales football team’s recent success during the Euros this summer’ explained the author Morgan Tomos on what inspired the latest Alun adventure.

‘But I can’t kick a ball to save my life!’ he addedd, ‘Alun and I have that in common!’

Morgan Tomos is from Caernarfon originally but now lives in Birmingham. He is a trained animator and enjoys travelling around schools in Wales discussing books and hosting workshops with the pupils.

This is the third story in the Alun yr Arth series to be translated into English. Over 50,000 Alun yr Arth books have been sold to date and recently a new website, apps and Twitter account were launched. The series has long established its place as one of the most popular series in Wales for children under 7 years of age.

‘I look forward to seeing what the Wales team do next and Alun and myself wish them the best of luck as they look to qualify for the World Cup!’ added Morgan.

Alun the Bear and the Football Match by Morgan Tomos (£2.99, Y Lolfa) is available now.