Ceri Shaw



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Owain Gwynedd, Prince of the Welsh - Roger Turvey

user image 2014-01-09
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: New Titles

Owain Gwynedd - Roger Turvey A study of the life and career of Owain Gwynedd (c. 1100-1170), who played a dominant role in the history of Wales before her conquest. He was king of Gwynedd from 1137 until his death, and was the first to be styled prince of Wales. He was considered the most successful of all the north Welsh princes prior to his grandson Llewelyn the Great.

Buy Owain Gwynedd here




This is the first study for over a century of the life and reign of one of the greatest of medieval Welsh rulers, owain ap Gruffydd ap Cynan, or , as history remembers him, Owain Gwynedd.

Owain Gwynedd (1137-1170) was a leading figure in Wales for over thirty years during which time he earned the respect of his peers and established a reputation for fearlessness in war, wisdom in peace, ruthlessness in politics, and prudence and moderation in governance.

Lauded by chroniclers and poets, Owain was a man of flesh and blood, but one truly possessed of exceptional qualities. He acquired the epithet Fawr or Great, and in the opinion of one of the greatest of Welsh historians, Sir John Edward Lloyd, it is ''a description he fully deserved'' because his ''greatness was recognized alike by bard and chronicler, by Welshman and Englishman'', and by Irishmen and Frenchmen. This short, popular study is intended to ensure that the deeds of a great Welshman are not forgotten.

Roger Turvey is a native of the Amman Valley and a graduate of Swansea University. He is a fellow of the Royal Historical Society, a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, London, and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors. He has published widely on medievaln and early modern Welsh history and was editor of the Journal of the Pembrokeshire Historical Society for over twenty years.