Ceri Shaw



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Chris Keil. Panelist: Culture Wars. Other Voices in British Literature

user image 2013-09-16
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: Book News

Chris Keil is a novelist and part-time university lecturer. He has worked as a sheep-farmer, a journalist and a tour-guide in a number of European cities. In academic life he has published and lectured widely on traumatic memory and representations of the Holocaust, and currently teaches at the University of Wales. He has held literary residencies, workshops and master-classes in Europe and the United States. He is the author of The French Thing (Carreg Gwalch, 2002), Liminal (Alcemi, 2007) and Flirting at the Funeral (Cillian Press, 2012). Flirting is a story about love, money and lost opportunities, set against a background of global crisis, terrorism and the power of the super-rich. In 2013 Chris has appeared at literary festivals in Galway, at Hay Literature Festival, and in October will be at Wordstock for an author-appearance and a writing master-class.

On October 4th, he will participate in the panel discussion " Culture Wars. Other Voices in British Literature: Should 'Welsh Writing in English' be taught as a separate course or module in U.S. Universities? " at the Portland Center for Public Humanities at Portland State University.

Ceri Shaw
09/05/16 04:02:03AM @ceri-shaw:

View the panel discussion "Culture Wars - Other Voices in British Literature" here:-