Ceri Shaw



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Dylan’s Great Poem - Celebrate International Dylan Thomas Day

user image 2016-04-12
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: Dylan Thomas

Dylan's Great Poem opens for submissions on Thursday 28 April at 9.00 am and invites anyone aged between 7 and 25 years old, living anywhere in the world, to submit up to four lines of poetry written in English or Welsh. From these, 100 lines will be chosen to create the Great Poem.

The theme for this year’s competition is ‘hands’, after the Dylan Thomas poem ‘The Hand That Signed The Paper.’

Entries need to be sent via the Developing Dylan 100 website before 12.00 noon on Thursday 5 May .

This year, we have joined forces with Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award. Selected entrants to Dylan’s Great Poem, who are between 11 and 17 years of age, and living in Wales, will be invited to a poetry writing masterclass to work on entries to the Poetry Society competition.

Dylan’s Great Poem will be edited by Rufus Mufasa and clare e. potter, and will be published online and performed on #DylanDay.

For resources, see: http://www.literaturewales.org/dylans-great-poem/

To submit lines visit the Developing Dylan website .

For more information contact Literature Wales:

07846484274 / mabananajones@gmail.com

Follow online #GreatPoem #DylanDay @DyddDylanDay