Ceri Shaw



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Croeso/Welcome to the NEW AmeriCymru

user image 2015-12-24
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: about
Nadolig Llawen From AmeriCymru

Croeso / welcome to the all new AmeriCymru site on our new platform - Jamroom. The site is not finished yet but we wanted to draw your attention to some new features and content :)

Check out our new Welsh Music Top 50 Youtube videos page. What will be number 1 for Christmas? You can vote your favourite video 'up' without logging in to AmeriCymru (full details on the page):-

Welsh Music Top 50 Youtube Videos

Check out our interview with Robert Llewellyn Tyler, author of Wales And The American Dream:-

Wales And The American Dream - An Interview with Author Robert Llewellyn Tyler

N.B. You CAN comment on the above interview and indeed on most items on AmeriCymru without being logged in. The new site uses the DisQus commenting system which allows logins from FB, Google and Twitter.

The site is not fully 'live' yet. We hope to be on, or around January 1st. We will email all members their new temporary passwords on that date and switch the DNS so that americymru.net points to this site.

Meanwhile we will be developing new features and content throughout the coming year and we hope you will all check back regularly as we explore the potential of our new platform. There are many exciting new announcements to come :)

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i Bawb