Ceri Shaw



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Drinking for Wales! New Book Charts Antics of Legendary Welsh Tipplers

user image 2009-03-25
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: New Titles

Welsh drinkers Wales is renowned for its sheep, male voice choirs and rugby players. In a new book published this week Aubrey Malone makes a case for the legendary status of Welsh drinkers. In the introduction to Welsh Drinkers he mentions the boozing antics of amongst others Rhys Ifans, Charlotte Church, Dai Llewellyn, Tommy Cooper and Hugh Griffiths, however the bulk of the book is dedicated to four world famous Welsh celebrities whose lives fell apart due to their addiction to alcohol. Welsh Drinkers examines how Richard Burton, Dylan Thomas, Rachel Roberts and Anthony Hopkins coped with celebrity as their lives became ruled by the demon drink, with Anthony Hopkins being the only one to recover. Author Aubrey Malone said, “Their stories are presented neither to entertain or frighten; merely to state how it was for them on the greasy pole of celebrity before and after their lives become ruled by the substance they once imagined would save them from themselves.”

Aubrey Malone, a proud Irishman, sees many similarities between the Welsh and the Irish’s relationship with drink.

“I see a great affinity between Ireland and Wales in the sense of two small nations who were colonised by England and perhaps as a result of this developed a rebellious defiant streak, which led to colourful personalities who were sometimes unbalanced and sought either escapism through drink to make their poor circumstances bearable or dutch courage to try and do something about them. For every Dylan Thomas there''s a Brendan Behan, for every Richard Burton a Richard Harris and for every Anthony Hopkins a Peter O''Toole.”

Welsh Drinkers (£4.94 / $7.50 approx ) is published by Y Lolfa and is available on www.ylolfa.com and in Welsh bookshops.