Ceri Shaw



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Dysgwr 2014 - Welsh Phrase of the Day

user image 2014-01-10
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in:

More Here - dysgwr2014

A short post tonight to introduce a major new feature on AmeriCymru which we hope will be an asset to Welsh learners.

Throughout 2013 AC member Brett Hull has maintained his excellent Welsh Word of the Day (Gair Cymraeg y dydd)
blog. He has listed one new Welsh word a day and we have encouraged members to come up with a sentence featuring that word. We would like to thank Brett for his contribution and commend him for his creativity in taking the idea one step further for 2014.

I dont want to steal his thunder but I know that tomorrow Brett will be announcing his new Welsh Phrase of the Day blog which will run through 2014. This will give our members and readers the chance to learn a new phrase each day and, should they choose to, post a sentence incorporating that phrase in comments on the page. Stay tuned for Brett's announcement tomorrow.

Diolch yn fawr Brett....looking forward to the new blog

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