Happy St David's Day - Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus!
Happy St David's Day - Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus to all our members and readers. We would also like to thank everyone who has contributed to the growth of this site over the last 10 months and that means all of you. We will be adding some exciting new features in the near future which will assist us in making the site more entertaining and moreinformative and also in putting Wales and contemporary Welsh culture firmly on the map in the USA and elsewhere worldwide.
Meanwhile David Western wants our help. Go to this url to read the original appeal and see the latest pics of the Portland Eisteddfod Lovespoon:- http://americymru.ning.com/profiles/blogs/from-david-westerns-lovespoon#
"I have been calling him "Dafydd the Dragon" as I've been working on the spoon, but I but have now decided that because Dafydd is my name, he should be called something else.
So I've decided to throw a little competition to name him and it's open to anyone who wishes to offer a good alternative. Sorry, that there are no grand prizes for this, only the glory of having the name you suggest become the dragon's name for the duration of the carving and hopefully beyond when the lucky winner takes him home! In two weeks I'll get Gaabi and Ceri to pick the winner and we'll have an official naming! That will also be my incentive to get him done! Now you may be wondering why I say it is a he when it could conceivably be a she...and there is no valid reason that I could defend in a court of law for that...I've just had the feeling he is, a he!! So there you go, if you can think of a good name for him and are inclined to send it to us; give it a shot!"
Soooooo....if you have any ideas for a new name for "Dafydd the Dragon" either post them here or on the original blogpost and we'll announce the winner in a few weeks time.
Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus. I weld plant Ysgol Gynradd Treganna yng Nghaerdydd yn dathlu Gwyl Ddewi wrth ganu ac adrodd cliciwch isod.http://www.itvlocal.com/cymru/newyddion/Happy St. David's Day everyone. To watch clips of Treganna Primary School in Cardiff celebrating click on the link below:http://www.itvlocal.com/cymru/newyddion/
'Happy St David's Day - Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus!'Oslo Welsh Society
Dydd Gwyl Dewi hapus
Happy St Davids Day!Greetings from Uruguay,Virginia
I'll suggest "Lewis the Lizard".
"Events also took place in Chonquing, China, including interactive workshops by Techniquest Wales and a visual arts exhibition." Wow! David, your saint is coming famous!.
I'm posting my proposal here too (because I want the fame!): My proposal is Cadwgan Ednyfed Rhydderch Gwrgeneu Draig. Is welsh to the marrow.
I know we are biased but it has to be Dylan the Dragon - I'm sure Dylan Thomas discovered them in Cwmdonkin Park - he certainly discovered lots of other things in his "...world within a world of the sea town..."
Dydd Gwyl Dewi hapus pawb x
It's not Dewie the Dragon?