Ceri Shaw



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Tin Shed's 28th Infantry Division Appeal - Press Release - Please Circulate - Fire At Will

user image 2013-01-08
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in:

A small, volunteer run museum in Laugharne, west Wales is launching an appeal to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the arrival of a very special group of American soldiers to Wales in 1943.

Tin Shed Experience 1940s museum is appealing for information on the 28th Infantry Division known as the Keystones.

Seimon Pugh-Jones of the Tin Shed has been interested in this particular division for quite some time, he even produced a self funded documentary on the Americans in Wales during WWII entitled Operation Bolero. He says, I have always taken an interest in the 28th It is the oldest division in the armed forces of the United States but the most interesting thing to me about these troops is that they hail from Pennsylvania and of course that area of America has a large Welsh community that dates back to the late seventeenth century where a large emigration of Welsh Quakers occurred and then later in the 19th century where Welsh coal miners emigrated to the anthracite and bituminous mines.

He goes on, The division arrived in October 1943 and were here until April 1944. In a way a lot of the guys that were coming over to train in Wales were likely to be returning home to the land of their forebears.

They were based along the whole of the South Wales coastline from Porthcawl to Pembroke Dock. Recently a memorial was unveiled in Mumbles to some of the American forces based in that area during WWII, namely the 2nd Infantry Division. Seimon explains Unlike the 2nd Infantry Division what is also notable about the 28th is that they were citizen soldiers. The troops of the 28th are a national guard unit and came from similar working class backgrounds to the inhabitants of South West Wales. They share similar day to day occupations in agriculture and the coal and steel industries, they were from community orientated based towns similar to the people of Wales.

We have been told some lovely accounts over the years by people who remember the red Keystones (worn on the shoulder sleeve of their uniform) of just how well these troops integrated into the Welsh communities when they were over here.

They made a huge impact on the local communities and left a large hole when they left. They are fondly remembered and well regarded by the local people.

After leaving Wales the division was posted to Wiltshere then landed in Normandy, France on 22nd July 1944 and swept through Luxembourg and onto the German border where it sadly went on to suffer huge casualties in the Huertgen Forest at the famous Battle of the Bulge During WWII the red keystone insignia of the division became known to the German forces as the Bloody Bucket such was the ferocity of the fighting from the men wearing it.

Of the 14,032 GIs that came to Wales with the 28th Infantry, many would never see their homes and loved ones again. 9,609 men lost their lives, with another 884 reported missing in action.

Matthew Hughes of the Tin Shed explained What we would like is to have some sort of monument erected in our local area to these men. The beaches of Amroth, Wisemans Bridge, Saundersfoot and Tenby were all extensively used as practice grounds prior to the D-Day landings and would be fitting locations for a lasting reminder. General Eisenhower himself even visited the 110th infantry regiment of the division at Tenby in March 1944.

He goes on, We are currently working with a few organistations in Pennsylvania who are helping us appeal to veterans and families of veterans of the 28th. One such organization is the Wilkes-Barre / Scranton Penguins Ice Hockey team who are hosting a Welsh Heritage night on St. Davids day next year in conjunction with the The Welsh Cultural Endeavor of Northeastern Pennsylvania. We are also appealing through the AmeriCymru social network.

Mr. Brian Coe, Vice President of Operations at Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins said The Welsh influence is apparent nearly everywhere you look in Northeast Pennsylvania and Luzerne County, from the rich coal mining history in the region to The Welsh Bethel Baptist Church in downtown Wilkes-Barre. When our ties during wartime were brought to our attention by the Tin Shed Experience, we were eager to help their research in any way possible. We hope that our fans and the people of the Wyoming Valley will be able to assist in the organizations research.

In closing Matthew Hughes said, In our opinion we believe that Wales is missing out on a large amount of American visitors each year. The families of American veterans spend vast amounts of money on month long trips to Europe visiting sites where their relatives trained along the South Coast of England fought in France, Belgium, The Netherlands and finally Germany. Wales has not been highlighted as a destination and to some of them it could be the first leg of their journey. The insignia of the 28th Infantry and the state of Pennsylvania is the keystone of a bridge. We hope that this symbol can take on a literal form through our appeal and hopefully a memorial could be another great way to highlight the importance of our shared heritages and encourage them across the Atlantic to visit.

If you have any information for the appeal please get in touch via www.tinshedexperience.co.uk

The Tin Sheds Operation Bolero documentary along with a few commemorative images they have created are now available for download for the first time via their online shop. The proceeds go to this memorial appeal and the upkeep of the museums exhibits

Click here to shop - http://www.tinshedexperience.co.uk/shop.html

Gaynor Madoc Leonard
01/08/13 10:17:56AM @gaynor-madoc-leonard:

I've just ordered the film. It's a wonderful thing to do and it would certainly be appropriate to have at the very least some sort of plaque or memorial to those men who came to help us.

Ceri Shaw
01/08/13 06:18:22AM @ceri-shaw:

What about an online petition for a monument in the area?

Ceri Shaw
01/08/13 05:40:42AM @ceri-shaw:

Who are the Tin Shed Experience? Read more here:- http://americymru.blogspot.com/2012/11/the-tin-shed-experience.html