Ceri Shaw



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Lovespoons on a dark day

user image 2012-12-17
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in:

Reproduced with kind permission from David western's Portland Eisteddfod Lovespoon Blog

After yet another massacre of beautiful little children in the USA, it's pretty hard to come here and post. That kind of completely senseless and astonishing violence against society's most defenceless members makes it very hard to view the human race in any kind of positive light. In fact, it's pretty tempting to write the whole world off as a seriously deranged gong show and go hide in the quiet calm of my little studio.

I don't know why some people do what they do and I really don't understand the big deal about guns and owning them...but that is because I am a lovespoon carver. In my little world, people are happy, they're in love, they're proud of their families and they want to create something positive that they can share with others. It is the very polar opposite of the darkness which descended on that little elementary school in Connecticut yesterday.

I feel sickened by what I read in the news about this catastrophe and I feel helpless against the mindless violence and evil which seems to infest so many hearts these days...but my way to fight back against the horror of Connecticut is to make beauty.

So here here is my little memorial of 27 lovespoons to all those precious lives lost yesterday.