Ceri Shaw



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New Poetry Collection Published ‘Haiku’ by Dave Lewis

user image 2012-07-01
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: New Titles

haiku.jpg Fresh from the success of his first novel, Ctrl-Alt-Delete, Welsh writer Dave Lewis has returned to poetry for his sixth book Haiku , and produced a fine collection of over 300 modern verses. The book was written over the last few years and is split into four sections under the headings Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.


"Dave Lewis is a unique voice in the poetry world. His new collection is filled with a range of vivid, often quirky, word pictures. He is adept at making every word count. Despite its brevity, the haiku is anything but an easy option at its best, this short and fairly formal poem should make the reader look anew at an everyday event. This Dave does to perfection, for example, "Chain gangs of electricity/on the green mountain/armies marching". His haiku dont always conform to the traditional 5,7,5 syllable format he goes his own original way, as in a favourite of mine, "Consultants waiting room/the plant in the window/dead". Who else would have the temerity to finish on that single-beat word, dead? His thought-provoking images have some surprising last lines that take your breath away and will remain with the reader for a long time." - Moira Andrew

"Unconventional, unapologetic, unpretentious! Dave Lewis' Haiku gives us an interesting taste of outside-the-box thinking and reminds us that while we breathe, we can embrace change, bend the rules and though we walk the same path as many others before us, we can make our own tracks." - Jolen Whitworth

Dave is from Pontypridd, has published five previous books and also runs the international Welsh Poetry Competition.

To buy a copy just visit Daves web site, or go to Amazon, Waterstones or other good booksellers.

Authors web site www.david-lewis.co.uk