Ceri Shaw



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Day 37: My Half Marathon Blog - Ten Weeks To Go!!

user image 2012-05-16
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in:


Follow the whole nine yards here (a 95 part series) :- Half Marathon Blog

Why I am running:- West Coast Eisteddfod - Bryn Seion Church

For details of how to sponsor see - this post


Getting packed for another week on the road with my clipboards. This time we are going to the Oregon Coast. I must admit that with my rather punishing work schedule I have had thoughts about not being able to get in shape in time for the 4th. However I guess I still have ten weeks and here is a ten week training schedule for reaching half marathon standard:- http://running.competitor.com/2012/03/training/rock-the-trails-10-week-advanced-off-road-training-program_48069

I guess this is the schedule I'm going to need

More tomorrow assuming wifi is available in the area where we are staying.

Ceri Shaw
05/16/12 04:41:34PM @ceri-shaw:

A couple of good points there....BUT I'm surprised you didn't call me on the 'deliberate' mistake. There are actually only about 6 or 7 weeks to go before July 4th so a 10 week program wont work.

See todays post for more on this and the whole clipboard v running shemozzle :)