Ceri Shaw



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Day 36: My Half Marathon Blog - The Campground

user image 2012-05-11
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in:


Follow the whole nine yards here (a 95 part series) :- Half Marathon Blog

Why I am running:- West Coast Eisteddfod Bryn Seion Church

For details of how to sponsor see this post


Adding my blog post today from the public library in Bend Oregon. I have approximately 25 minutes of wifi time before they close so this will be , of necessity, a brief update. Suffice it to say that I will be keeping up my training while I am here although of course I will not be able to measure my progress in terms of circuits around the turnip patch. I will have to devise a new route around the various yurts in the campground where we are staying. The air is a lot fresher and cleaner up here than it is in Portland and that is a big plus for running. I hope to be back tomorrow with a further update meanwhile enjoy the video below- Marathon Thoughts.

