Ceri Shaw



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Day 35: My Half Marathon Blog - Bend, Oregon!

user image 2012-05-09
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in:


Follow the whole nine yards here (a 95 part series) :- Half Marathon Blog

Why I am running:- West Coast Eisteddfod Bryn Seion Church

For details of how to sponsor see this post


Hi all....I will be leaving early in the morning for Bend, Oregon. Another working trip and this time I will be staying in a tent. I really don't know what the wifi situation will be so please don't expect miracles

I will of course attempt to keep the daily running blog going ( and my training schedule ) but that will probably involve a trip to Starbucks each evening assuming that there is one nearby.

A number of people have inquired about this strange temporary job that I do for a few months a year which involves travelling and staying in tents, motels etc. For the benefit of our UK readers please let me attempt an explanation ( I will be mercifully brief ).

In 26 states of the US there is a system whereby people and interest groups who have the requisite funds can hire an army of petitioners to gather signatures for statutory or constitutional measures which ( given that they reach quota ) are placed on a ballot each year. If those measures are successful at the polls they become law. Basically it is a form of government by annual plebiscite. Of course State laws do not always supersede Federal laws and this leads to interesting legal and political conflicts.

These jolly little jaunts help to pay for the WCE. And so...expect more from me tomorrow ( but dont hold your breath ) and meanwhile enjoy this video about the real reason that runners run
