Ceri Shaw



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Day 31: My Half Marathon Blog - Barefoot Running?

user image 2012-04-30
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in:


Follow the whole nine yards here (a 95 part series) :- Half Marathon Blog

Why I am running:- West Coast Eisteddfod Bryn Seion Church

For details of how to sponsor see this post


My daps finally gave up the ghost today. One is split at the toes and the other is split at the heels. Guess I'm going to have to invest in new footwear soon. Meanwhile I was reminded of a typically helpful remark by our top commenter Swansea Jack ( he loses a buck for every day he misses ) who suggested some time ago that I consider running barefoot. I decided to investigate

It seemed to me that the risk of stepping on broken glass or rocks and gravel whilst running barefoot far outweighed any advantage that might accrue from the more natural stride that this practice supposedly encourages. But...lo and behold....I came across this article about barefoot running shoes !!:-

The running life: New things, like barefoot running, worth trying

Now perhaps I am missing something here. It might seem natural to suppose that barefoot running would involve running with no shoes on. But apparently not. What it actually means is that you run in bizarre daps with individual toe spaces buit in. There is a pic in the article linked above.

Another article I found lauds the benefits of running in 'barefoot sneakers':-

Get out and (barefoot) run

Has anybody tried this? Should I?
