Ceri Shaw



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Day 21: My Half Marathon Blog - Oooo Me Back :)

user image 2012-04-20
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in:


Follow the whole nine yards here (a 95 part series) :- Half Marathon Blog

Why I am running:- West Coast Eisteddfod Bryn Seion Church

For details of how to sponsor see this post


Actually there is nothing wrong with my back....just thought I'd humor SJ who seems to be of the opinion that I am have been turning this blog into a catalog of ailments lately. Actually I am pleased to report that my knees have stopped hurting and I was able to sprint for a block earlier today to catch a bus without being out of breath. All in all my health is good and I feel positively radiant. Evidently all this shambling round the turnips is doing me some good. The only dark cloud is that I have not yet succeeded in running for more than 15 minutes. Of course that will change but I'm starting to get a little impatient.

On that note I would like to refer to an email I received today from David Western. He wrote thusly:-

I suggest you check out the Galloway method of walk/running long distance....he's an exceptional trainer and his books are well worth the $$!!

I checked out his website and it appears that he is the inventor of the run-walk-run method of training which it is claimed will increase endurance and reduce the risk of injury. I haven't had time to do much further research yet but his recommendations seem quite sensible at first sight. Clearly I would prefer to run the whole distance without a break, dance a victory jig and go to the pub to celebrate. BUT if I have to pace myself a little : punctuate my running with short walking breaks, then so be it. Certainly there is no shame in that during training and even on the day the sole objective is to complete the course. If there must be breaks then breaks there must be but no broken bones or torn ligaments.

I will investigate the Galloway method further and report back at a later date.

Meanwhile the new sponsorship arrangements ( discussed yesterday ) will be up on the site by Tuesday. I will explain , at length, how it all works then.


Gaynor Madoc Leonard
04/20/12 12:04:19PM @gaynor-madoc-leonard:

Advice from Matt Roberts (he has several training places and runs with David Cameron):

Focus on the buttock muscles to pull the leg through and the hamstrings to pull the heel up.

Faster, shorter strides are better than long slow ones.

Running is about floating overthe ground not bouncing along it on heavy feet.

Keep tall through the torso so that the core muscles work to drive the body forward and make it easier to breathe.

Aim to bring the heel on the trailing leg up to knee level as you run.

Land softly on your feet.

Ceri Shaw
04/20/12 04:52:45AM @ceri-shaw:

I will check