Ceri Shaw



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Day 19: My Half Marathon Blog - My Feet Hurt

user image 2012-04-18
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in:


Follow the whole nine yards here (a 95 part series) :- Half Marathon Blog

Why I am running:- West Coast Eisteddfod Bryn Seion Church

For details of how to sponsor see this post


Not much to say today. I ran around the turnips for 15 minutes and my feet hurt. I will try to be a little more expansive tomorrow

Today has been my day off for the week and I've spent much of it reading. Many thanks to Peter Lewis for his review of 'The Coward's Tale'. I am reading it now and it is excellent. Hoping to have an interview with author Vanessa Gebbie on the site soon. Meanwhile here is a link to Part 2 of our interview with Bernard Knight:- http://www.storyforgestudios.com/americymru/directory/usersblogs22/98-interview-with-welsh-writer-bernard-knight-part-2

In this interview Bernard speaks about the Madoc legend , Jack the Ripper and his experiences with television forensic series. He also discusses plans for a forthcoming series of short stories or novellas centered around the adventures of a 1930's Cardiff based tramp steamer.

On a side note, if you live in the LA area please consider helping out with the fund raising drive for the St Davids Day event there next year. I've posted a link over in the right hand column---->

That's all for now....back to my book. More tomorrow


Peter Lewis
04/18/12 03:23:46PM @peter-lewis:

Just back from a morning hike. My dogs are howling! (do they say that in Portland for "my feet hurt"?)