Ceri Shaw



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Day 17: My Half Marathon Blog - Intelligent Running

user image 2012-04-16
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in:


Follow the whole nine yards here (a 95 part series) :- Half Marathon Blog

Why I am running:- West Coast Eisteddfod Bryn Seion Church

For details of how to sponsor see this post


I looked at the Intelligent Running site after seeing it mentioned in a comment on yesterdays blog. It looks like it might be useful but for two things:-

1. I like to set my own goals and schedules, and

2. It seems like it's geared to preparing you to put in a competitive performance in a full marathon.

This would be overkill for me. My sole objective is to finish the 13 miles in a fairly average time for a novice runner. Fortunately I haven't committed myself to anything more than that. If I had I might be sending away for the c.d's.

The idea that you needn't run every day is a sound one though not necessarily new. I will certainly NOT be running the day before July 4th and I am only running every other day now. Two short and one long runs a week is the well balanced way. The short runs are simply to maintain your general level of fitness and preparedness. The 'long' runs are when you push for extra distance and endurance. It seems to me that this was what I was doing back in the 80's. Worked then....lets hope it works again at age 55.

Here is the Intelligent Running video from YouTube in case anyone wants to give it a try:-

