Ceri Shaw



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Day Eight: My Half Marathon Blog - Dissociation

user image 2012-04-07
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in:

Follow the whole nine yards here (a 95 part series) :- Half Marathon Blog

Why I am running:- West Coast Eisteddfod Bryn Seion Church

For details of how to sponsor see this post


A couple of people have asked me recently why it is that if I was once capable of running for 13 miles I never entered a half marathon event before. There are two reasons for this. Fistly I was never that fast and consequently in no danger of winning. Secondly I like to run mainly in order to 'dissociate'.

It's been a while since I considered exactly what that term means and so I decided to google 'running dissociation' and see what the search turned up. A blog from The Running Laminator posted in 2008 pretty much sums it up:-

One of the things I like to do when Im running, especially after a long day at the office, is to work out problems and resolve issues that I didnt have time to attend to during the day. In fact, its become a habit of mine that as Im lacing up my shoes in anticipation of a run, Id pick out one or two problems to specifically work on while I run with the intention that Id have the answer by the time Im back in my apartment. Its becoming clearer to me, more and more, that I am a dissociative runner (as opposed to an associative one).

You can read the rest of the post from the link above. Of course if you are looking to dissociate and solve the days petty problems while you run there are two main preconditions. You will need to be physically comfortable and as free from distractions as possible. You will achieve the first condition by regular training and the second by running solo as far away from other people as possible. Repetitive late night circuits around playing fields or deserted athletics tracks are ideal for this purpose.

SO....running in an event will be a new experience for me. There will be people cheering and showering us with water etc. Hopefully I will be able to ignore it all and lapse into a running trance and attempt to solve some petty detail of WCE financing or resolve some code issue on the site.
