Ceri Shaw



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Day One - My Half Marathon Blog

user image 2012-03-31
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in:

Follow the whole nine yards here (a 95 part series) :- Half Marathon Blog

Why I am running:- West Coast Eisteddfod Bryn Seion Church

For details of how to sponsor see this post

The Background

As a new years resolution I undertook to quit smoking, give up my Friday night sixpack and run a half marathon at some point during the year. New Years Resolutions

Last week Gaabriel announced the date of my coming ordeal. Ceri's Going to Run A Marathon! OK she exaggerated a little, I'm only doing 13 miles


The Blog

So how does this blog fit into the scheme of things I hear you ask? Well...I decided that the physical challenge wasn't enough so for the next 95 days I am going to blog every single day on the subject of running. That means i will have to think of 95 things to say about running between now and July 4th. Of course I'll throw in details here and there about our plans for this years West Coast Eisteddfod and there will be some talk of our local 128 year old Welsh church, Bryn Seion. I'm running to raise money for both.

But now as an extra incentive to sponsor you get the additional amusement of watching me struggle to find something new to say on the same topic every day for 3 months.


SO...don't forget to tune in for tomorrow's thrilling instalment:- 'Day Two: Pheidippides - A Lousy PR Man!'

And now for the obvious video .... sorry couldn't resist




James Donald Ross
04/01/12 12:45:15PM @james-donald-ross:

Been in your position before.Couch to 5K to full marathon. Try running to Cymraeg lessons!!

Ceri Shaw
03/31/12 05:22:48PM @ceri-shaw:

Hmmmmmm.....but what to play? Perhaps a little vintage Rammstein

Mark Powell
03/31/12 04:26:26PM @mark-powell:

When you get into some higher mileage, Ceri, you might enjoy having an iPod and some headphones to listen to. I know I have always used those or, in the olden days, a Walkman.

Having the right music gets the blood excited and quickens your pace.

03/31/12 09:37:04AM @helen2:

Good luck! I have a much more modest ambition regarding running, which is to run 2 miles, so I will follow your progress with interest.

Chris Keil
03/31/12 08:19:16AM @chris-keil:

Morgan watched as Howard jogged past them, turned and started back, bustling his way through. Voices, a run of bright laughter, carried across the water. After a while you discover an inner space, Howard said. And thats what you run through.The whole thing between thinking and moving, between mind and body, disappears. The mind runs, and the body thinks. He jogged a few steps, shadow-boxing.

Ceri Shaw
03/31/12 07:25:56AM @ceri-shaw:
Chariots of Fire or too many beans? :)