Ceri Shaw



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The Swansea boy done good – Kevin Johns’ biog is an entertaining treat

user image 2008-10-16
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: New Titles

Kevin Johns....Oh Yes It Is, front cover detail Kevin Johns is a performer, actor, pantomime dame, radio broadcaster, football fanatic and the guy with the mike at all of Swansea City’s home games. And that’s not all, as we discover in this extremely enjoyable autobiography of the all-round entertainer, co-written by Peter Read. Growing up in the Plasmarl area of Swansea in the 1960s, Johns longed to be an entertainer from an early age. After a religious experience at secondary school, his life became a battle between football and religion, the secular and the spiritual. The book tells of how he has managed to combine several diverse aims into a satisfying whole.

It is in the variety of roles he has played – both on and off the stage – which makes his life such an interesting story. He has (amongst many other things) been heavily involved in charity work, played football with Emlyn Hughes, interviewed Tony Blair and played a wind-up on Alastair Campbell, put on children’s entertainment at the home of the Duke and Duchess of Westminster, helped with a late-night soup run on the toughest streets of Glasgow, preached sermons, sung with Bonnie Tyler, and entertained the crowd at half-time during matches at Wembley Stadium.

Johns is very generous with amusing anecdotes and experiences which have affected him deeply. He is not afraid to reveal his insecurities or emotions, making this a very personal look at what makes him tick. The result, even for those who may be unaware of Johns before reading the book, is the feeling that one knows him personally by the end – or would like to get to know him better.

Kevin Johns was born in Swansea in 1961. He went to Dynevor Secondary School and two Bible colleges. He presents the radio shows Sunday Hotline and Heart and Soul for Swansea Sound. He has made many theatre and television appearances, becoming one of Wales’ best-known entertainers. Johns will again be performing in pantomime this year, with Su Pollard and Chris Jarvis at Swansea’s Grand Theatre. Cinderella will run from 17 December 2008 to 18 January 2009. He will attend book signings during the run.

Oh Yes It Is…Kevin Johns! by Kevin Johns and Peter Read, will be published by Y Lolfa on 23 October. The book will be launched on the same date at the Grand Theatre, Swansea at 7.15 pm.


''A well-organised, articulate and stimulating work... beautifully illustrated'' – Richard Moore-Colyer on Ceredigion: A Wealth of History.

''A splendid study, balanced, sensitive and nicely setting local events and trends within the wider Welsh and British context.'' David W. Howell on Nanteos – A Welsh House and Its Families.