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It's a bit late now, but when I woke up this morning I was wondering how many of you who visited the Smithsonian/Welsh festival in Washington are aware that if you were to climb the stairs of the Capitol Monument there is engraved into the stonework; 'Fy Iaith, Fy Ngwlad, Fy Nghenedl - Wales - Cymru Am Byth'. I think this is worth a return visit, don't you?
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Although outwardly the world sees the Scots with their kilts, their bagpipes and their power of legislation,and the Welsh not openly displaying anything, we are now returning to our traditions that were for a while laid aside, we are wearing the kilt and are forming pipe and drum bands. Wales is the older country by far, so we have been fighting for much longer, even if at times we have been on the back foot, and to outsiders we don't look any different to the English , there is something that the Welsh have always had, besides the Red Dragon, our National Flag, we have our Language; it must do something to the Scottish psyche to know that their two National tongues are both foreign in origin. A Welsh person has always had two faces, whether it be at home or in anglicised countries such as The States, we show our outward worldly face, no different to any other man (or woman) in the street, but our other face is of a fierce pride in our roots and, amongst ourselves, those of us who are fortunate enough, can temporarily turn our backs on Anglo-Saxon society and, through our Language can return to one of the most ancient lineages of this modern world, Richard Burton was a perfect example of this. Cerys Matthews of Catatonia said that every day when she wakes up she thanks the Lord that she is Welsh, or words to that effect; of course it's not a sentiment held by everyone; when my next door neighbour at the age of five discovered that he wasn't English he burst out crying.
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However you want to spell it; Tydfil, Tedvil, Tudfyl or Tudful: for the Merthyr diaspora, which is at least equal to any town in Ireland, today is her day, so let's drink together and think of home.
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Plogonnec - Llandysul; 20 years twinning: Grand Spectacle, the life of Saint Teilo
By Byn (Bynbrynman)Tavarn Ty Elise, 2009-08-22
* Accueil* Prsentationo Le village de Kerdlo* Le spectacleo Approche du scenarioo Un spectacle bilingueo Saint TELO+ Telo, son histoireIl tait une fois TeloUr wech e oa TELOSon et lumire du 26 au 29 aut 2009afficheUn son et lumire, avec pour dcor naturel la jolie chapelle de Saint TELO, niche dans son crin de verdure en contrebas de la montagne du PrieurRien de moins pour fter les vingt ans du jumelage entre les communes de PLOGONNEC et de LLANDYSUL (Pays de Galles).Une cration originale joue en direct par 80 figurants et une belle palette dacteurs professionnels qui sont galement des chanteurs et musiciens de talent,Un spectacle bilingue comprhensible par tousEt une histoire, celle de TELO, qui dut quitter sa Cambrie natale (lactuel Pays de Galles) pour sauver de la peste jaune un grand nombre de ses compatriotes en les conduisant jusquen Petite Bretagne (lArmorique). Ctait au sixime sicle Pas si loin de nous Les doutes et les choix de TELO rejoignent luniversalit de ltre, et son souvenir reste ancr dans les paysages Bretons et Gallois, entre lgende et ralit.Publication du 26.05.09 | Nonclass|Article Tlgramme du 1er aot 2009presse01aout_bArticle paru dans la presse rgionale. Vous pouvez lire larticle du Tlgramme de Brest paru le 1er aot 2009 en cliquant sur limage. ()Quils soient lus en herbe, ou bnvoles, de nombreux habitants de Plogonnec se mobilisent pour le futur spectacle son et lumire programm fin aot()Publication du 02.08.09 | presse|Article Ouest-France du 24 Juillet 2009Les costumiresp6130117Lquipe des 25 costumires, dirige par Marie-agnes Pennanach travail la cration et la confection des costumes qui seront ports par les comdiens et figurants au cours du spectacle des 26 au 29 At prochain. Plusieurs centaines de pices de costumes sont couper, assembler. Pour que les couleurs conviennent, il faut aussi procder la teinture !Publication du 07.07.09 | Nonclass|Week-end figurantsp6270163Les 27 et 28 Juin, les figurants ont effectu leur premier week-end de dcouverte des mouvements et actions quils auront a effectuer au cours du spectacle Il tait une fois Telo .Chacun stait muni dun bton qui leur servira pour se dplacer, comme outil ou encore darme. Thomas Cloarec, metteur en scne, son assistante Arzela Abiven, aids par Erwan Cloarec leur ont enseign lart de se dplacer, de se poser, de [Lire la suite]Publication du 29.06.09 | spectacle|TELO, le 8 saint fondateur de la petite BretagnePremire lectureDimanche 21 juin a eu lieu en prsence des comdiens professionnels et des comdiens bnvoles la premire lecture du texte crit par Yann Ber Rivalin.Une premire distribution des rles a t effectue.Les bnvoles figurants vont eux se retrouver pour un premier travail samedi 27 et dimanche 28 juin prochain sous loeil de Thomas CloarecPublication du 24.06.09 | Informations|spectacle|Figurants et bnvolesNous recherchons encore quelques bnvoles gs de 18 45 ans, pour faire de la figuration dans la spectacle son et lumire Il tait une fois TELO .Nous recherchons encore des bnvoles aux comptences diverses pour participer diffrentes tches avant, pendant et aprs le spectacle.Les principaux travaux sont en relation avec laccueil du public, la restauration, les costumes et lhabillage, la fabrication des dcors, le montage de la [Lire la suite]Publication du 20.06.09 | Informations|80 costumes en cours de ralisation05juinArticle paru dans la presse rgionale. Vous pouvez lire larticle du Tlgramme de Brest paru le 5 Juin 2009 en cliquant sur limage. Les premires mains par lesquelles passe un candidat la figuration sur le son et lumire Il tait une fois Telo sont celles des couturires ()Publication du 19.06.09 | Nonclass|Suite Copyright 2009 |Il tait une fois Telo | | Se connecter | Fil d'actualitPowered by WordPress Atahualpa Theme by BytesForAl
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I will need a hand in my bar on Sat. 15th & Sun. 16th for a concert and hog roast. Also musicians welcome.
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British Broadcasting CorporationPage last updated at 20:47 GMT, Wednesday, 5 August 2009 21:47 UKAmerican learner wins Welsh titleMeggan Lloyd PrysMeggan Lloyd Prys was the only overseas finalistA teacher from Ohio in the USA has been named as the Welsh Learner of the Year for 2009.Meggan Lloyd Prys was awarded the prestigious title on Wednesday by judges at the National Eisteddfod in Bala, Gwynedd.The 29-year-old says she started learning the language the day she arrived in Wales, three years ago.She now works as a classroom assistant on Anglesey, putting her language skills to the test everyday.Mrs Lloyd Prys was the only overseas finalist in the event this year, along with three others, all from England.She came to Wales after meeting her husband-to-be Cynog while studying in America.But after setting up home at Rhiwlas, near Bangor, she set herself the challenge of taking her wedding vows in Welsh - less than a month later.'High standards'Speaking as she waited for the judges final decision, she explained: "It started after I met my husband while both of us were studying in Ohio and he had been awarded a scholarship to promote Welsh culture."We only spent a month together in the States, then after a year I moved here and started learning the language the day I arrived."It's a really special competition because it shows people are able to learn to a high standard and live and work through the medium of Welsh."As well as being named the learner of the year, she also won 300 and a trophy in memory of author Marged Jones, from Bala, who died at the beginning of the year.The others on the shortlist were John Burton, originally from Crewe, but now living in Penmachno, Zoe Morag Pettinger from Fareham, but now living in Trisant, Aberystwyth and Dominic Gilbert, originally from Manchester but living in Beaumaris.The three received the Finalists Prize, presented by the Learners of Bala, and 100 in prize money.
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WalesOnlineTHE world's first Welsh language mobile phone will have predictive text in the dialects of both South and North Wales.
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