

Mae'r brif sengl oddi ar EP cyntaf N'famady Koyaté ‘Aros i Fi Yna’ yn teimlo fel heulwen braf yr haf bach mihangel yn ein cofleidio. Yn un o uchafbwyntiau cerddorol perfformiadau hwylus a llwyddiannus y band mewn sawl gŵyl o Dyn Gwyrdd i Ganolfan Mileniwm Cymru, i enwi ond ychydig.  

Mae 'Aros i Fi Yna' yn cynnwys perfformiad gan Lisa Jên Brown (9Bach), yn gân serch sy'n estyn dros gyfandiroedd ac sy'n cael ei fynegi drwy gerddoriaeth afieithus a chywrain N'famady. Mae ei gerddoriaeth wedi'i wreiddio yn nhraddodiad Mandingue o'i famwlad yng Ngorllewin Affrica gydag ysbrydoliaeth gan gerddoriaeth indi, pop a jazz o'i gartref newydd yng Nghymru.  "Esblygodd 'Aros i Fi Yna' o fy nghân wreiddiol ‘Dianamô’, yna addaswyd i'r Gymraeg.

Mae'n gân serch am hiraeth a gwahanu; wedi'i ysbrydoli gan yr amser y bûm i'n byw mewn cyfandir gwahanol i'm nghariad, fe drefnon ni gwrdd â'n gilydd hanner ffordd" - N'famady Kouyaté.  Mae N'famady wrthi'n teithio gyda Gruff Rhys ar ei daith albym 'Seeking New Gods'. Bydd 'Aros i Fi Yna' yn cael ei ryddhau fel sengl ar 17 Medi ar Recordiau Libertino.  

The title track from N’famady Kouyaté's debut EP 'Aros I Fi Yna' feels like the last rays of summer’s golden sun washing over us. It’s a song that became a key musical highlight in N’famady’s joyous and successful performances during this years festival season ….. from Green Man to Cardiff’s Mileniwm Centre, to name just two.  

'Aros I Fi Yna' features a guest performance by Lisa Jên Brown (9Bach). It's a love song stretching across continents and expressed through N’famady’s exuberant and intricate music…..Music that’s rooted in the Mandingue tradition of his West African homeland with inspiration from indie, pop, and jazz of his new home in Wales.  “Aros I fi Yna evolved from my original song "Dianamô" which means 'your one' and was adapted into Welsh.  

It is a song of love, separation, and longing; inspired by the time when I was living in a different continent to my love, and we arranged to meet each other half way.” - N’famady Kouyaté  N’famady is now out on the road playing with Gruff Rhys on his Seeking New Gods album tour. 'Aros i Fi Yna' will be released as a single on 17 September on Libertino Records.

Social Links: successorsofthemandinguemusic/ kouyate

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***English below


Title:Save your love

Format: Single

Label: Shimi

Distribution: PYST

Digital Release Date: October 8th 2021

Genre: Americana / Folk


Teitl: Arbed dy gariad

Fformat: Single

Label: Shimi

Dosbarthu: PYST

Dyddiad Ryddhau Digidol: Hydref 8fed 2021

Genre: Americana / Gwerin

Mae Tapestri,  band Americana Lowri Evans a Sera Zyborska yn rhyddhau fersiwn Gymraeg a Saesneg o'r un gân, Arbed Dy Gariad / Save your Love. Gellir gwrando ar y ddwy gân trwy'r linciau uchod.

“Absolutely captivating” Janice Long, BBC Radio Wales

Bydd Sera Zyborska (o Gaernarfon) a Lowri Evans (o Drefdraeth Sir Benfro) yn gyfarwydd i gynulleidfaoedd miwsig Cymru fel artistiaid dwyieithog sydd wedi bod yn ysgrifennu, perfformio a recordio yn unigol ers amser. Rhyngddynt maent wedi cael eu hyrwyddo ar BBC 6 Music, Radio 2, wedi perfformio ym mhobman o ŵyl y Dyn Gwyrdd i Gŵyl Rhif 6, o King Tut’s yn Glasgow i’r Union Chapel; O Gymru i America i Ffrainc, sydd fel mae'n digwydd, lle bu’r ddwy yn cyfarfod am y tro cyntaf, wrth berfformio ym mhafiliwn Cymru yng ngŵyl Lorient yn Awst 2019.

Sbardunodd y cyfarfod cyntaf hwn syniad i ffurfio band gyda merched ar y blaen, a chreu eu brand eu hunain o ‘Americana’; band â all berfformio ar lwyfannau mawr a chynrychioli lleisiau menywod. Wedi’i ysbrydoli gan The Highwomen, ‘supergroup’ o’r Unol Daleithiau sy’n cynnwys Brandi Carlile ac Amanda Shires, a ffurfiodd fel ymateb i ddiffyg cynrychiolaeth artistiaid benywaidd ar radio a gwyliau canu gwlad.

Mae ei caneuon yn cymryd eu lliwiau cerddorol o balet eang sy'n cynnwys Americana, ‘Roots’, Gwerin a Gwlad.

Roedd eu sengl cyntaf, Open Flame, ar Rhestr Chwarae BBC Radio Wales am sawl wythnos, gyda'r fersiwn Gymraeg yn 'Trac yr Wythnos’' ar Radio Cymru. Fe wnaethant gynrychioli Cymru yn y Global Music Match gyntaf erioed y llynedd ac maent yn edrych ymlaen at chwarae yn FOCUS Wales i gyd-fynd â'r datganiad sengl. Fe fydd Tapestri yn Eglwys St Giles ar Dydd Sadwrn Hydref 8fed FOCUS Wales 2021 » Shows » Sat @ St Giles  

Mae ‘Arbed dy gariad’ yn gân am gariad digwestiwn a pha mor hawdd y mae cariadon yn cael eu twyllo i gredu bod hoffter ac agosatrwydd yn cyfateb i ddefosiwn tragwyddol. Daw'r sengl o'u EP a fydd yn cael ei ryddhau yn 2022.

Tapestri, the Americana band fronted by Lowri Evans and Sera Zyborska simultaneously release a Welsh and English version of the same song, Save your Love/Arbed dy gariad.

“Absolutely captivating” Janice Long, BBC Radio Wales

Sera (from Caernarfon) and Lowri (from Newport Pembs) will be especially familiar to Welsh music audiences as two bilingual singer-songwriters that have been writing, performing and recording as solo artists for some time. Between them they have been championed on BBC 6 Music, Radio 2, performed everywhere from Greenman, Festival Number 6, from King Tut’s to the Union Chapel; From Wales to America to France, which is as it happens, where the two met for the first time, performing at the Welsh Pavilion at the Lorient Celtic festival in August 2019.

This first meeting sparked an idea to form a female fronted band and to create their own brand of Americana; an act that could headline and represent women’s voices. Inspired by The Highwomen , a US ‘supergroup’ featuring Brandi Carlile and Amanda Shires, who formed as a response to the lack of representation of women artists on country music radio and festivals.  

Their songs take their musical colours from a broad palette that includes Americana, Roots, Folk and Country, all beautifully knitted together through their innate musicality and heartfelt delivery. 

Their first release, Open Flame, was on the Welsh A list on BBC Radio Wales for several weeks, with the Welsh language version 'Track of the Week' on Radio Cymru. They represented Wales in the first ever Global Music Match last year and are looking forward to playing at FOCUS Wales to coincide with the single release. Catch Tapestri at St Giles' Church on Saturday October 8th FOCUS Wales 2021 » Shows » Sat @ St Giles  

‘Save your love’ is a song about unrequited love and how easily lovers are fooled into believing that affection and intimacy equals everlasting devotion. The single is from their forthcoming EP which will be released in 2022.

Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol/Social Media

Twitter @tapestrimusic

Instagram @tapestrimusic



Label: Shimi Records

Cyfryngau/Media: /

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Wales’ largest youth movement, Urdd Gobaith Cymru is pleased to announce that applications are now open for its brand-new choir – Côr yr Urdd – which will travel to Alabama in 2022. 

The choir will be formed to mark the Urdd’s centenary in 2022 and offer a once in a lifetime opportunity for young people across Wales to come together and perform in Alabama. 

Any individuals between the ages of 18 and 25 can apply to be part of the choir and grab a seat on the exclusive trip. There is no need to be a member of a choir already or have previous experience of singing in a choir. Applicants are required to  complete an online form  and submit a short recording by the 14th of October 2021.  

16 winners of this year’s Eisteddfod T digital festival have already been offered the opportunity to join the choir. 

The opportunity comes following the transatlantic partnership between the Urdd and UAB, the University of Alabama at Birmingham. As well as organising for the Urdd Choir members to perform at concerts in Alabama, to learn more about the gospel singing tradition and the Civil Rights Movement and history in Alabama, the aim is to invite UAB Gospel Choir to perform at the Urdd Eisteddfod in Denbighshire in 2022. 

The relationship between the Welsh and the Afro-American community in Birmingham, Alabama was formed over fifty years ago following a terrorist attack by the Klu Klux Klan on the 16th Street Baptist Church. As a sign of support and solidarity, the people of Wales donated a stained-glass window, and to this day, it is known as the Wales Window. 

Siân Lewis, the Urdd’s Chief Executive, and the then Welsh Education Minister Kirsty Williams’s official visit to the church and the young people of Birmingham, Alabama in 2019 strengthened that relationship. As a result, final arrangements for the UAB Gospel Choir’s visit to Wales and the Urdd Eisteddfod in Denbighshire were halted by the global spread of Covid-19. 

In light of the pandemic’s challenges, a virtual gospel choir was formed between some Urdd members and UAB students, and to celebrate Thanksgiving in November 2020, they joined forces to sing in Welsh for the first time, to release a cover of  Every Praise  by Hezekiah Walker, called ‘ Canwn Glod .’ 

As the Urdd approaches its centenary in 2022 it has ambitious plans to ensure Wales makes a positive impact, to ensure that more people know about Wales, offer international experiences for young people, and celebrate the cultural richness of Wales as well as share good practice with international contacts in the success of increasing confidence, use and enjoyment of a minority language. 

Mae Urdd Gobaith Cymru bellach yn gwahodd ymgeiswyr i ymuno â chôr ieuenctid newydd sbon – Côr yr Urdd – fydd yn teithio i Alabama yn 2022. 

I nodi canmlwyddiant y mudiad yn 2022 mi fydd Côr yr Urdd yn cael ei ffurfio er mwyn cynnig cyfle unwaith mewn oes i griw o bobl ifanc ddod at ei gilydd a pherfformio yn Alabama. 

Mae Côr yr Urdd yn agored i bob unigolyn rhwng 18 a 25 oed. Nid oes angen bod yn aelod o gôr ar hyn o bryd, nac ychwaith i fod â phrofiad blaenorol o ganu mewn côr. Yr oll sydd angen i ymgeiswyr wneud ydi llenwi  ffurflen gais ar-lein  a chyflwyno recordiad byr erbyn y 14eg o Hydref 2021. 

Cyhoeddwyd eisoes bod 16 o fuddugwyr gŵyl ddigidol Eisteddfod T eleni yn cael y cyfle i ymuno â’r côr. 

Daw’r cyfle yn sgil partneriaeth drawsatlantig yr Urdd gyda Phrifysgol Alabama ym Mirmingham (University of Alabama at Birmingham). Yn ogystal â threfnu fod Côr yr Urdd yn cael perfformio mewn cyngherddau yn Alabama ac yn dysgu mwy am y traddodiad canu gospel a hanes hawliau sifil yn Alabama, y bwriad yw i Côr Gospel UAB i berfformio yn ystod Eisteddfod yr Urdd Sir Ddinbych 2022. 

Ffurfiwyd perthynas rhwng Cymru a’r gymuned Affro Americanaidd ym Mirmingham, Alabama dros hanner canrif yn ôl yn dilyn ymosodiad terfysgol gan y Klu Klux Klan ar Eglwys y Bedyddwyr, 16th Street. Fel arwydd o gefnogaeth ac undod rhoddwyd ffenestr lliw i’r eglwys gan bobl Cymru, a hyd heddiw caiff ei hadnabod fel y ‘Wales Window’. 

Bu i ymweliad swyddogol Siân Lewis, Prif Weithredwr yr Urdd, a Gweinidog Addysg Cymru ar y pryd Kirsty Williams â’r eglwys a phobl ifanc Birmingham, Alabama yn 2019 gryfhau’r berthynas hon. O ganlyniad, roedd trefniadau taith Côr Gospel Prifysgol Alabama i ymweld â Chymru ac Eisteddfod yr Urdd Sir Ddinbych 2020 yn cael eu cwblhau pan fu’n rhaid gohirio’r cyfan wrth i Covid-19 ledaenu ar draws y byd. 

Ond yn wyneb heriau’r pandemig, ffurfiwyd côr gospel rhithiol ar y cyd rhwng rai o aelodau’r Urdd a myfyrwyr UAB, ac i ddathlu Diolchgarwch ym mis Tachwedd 2020 daethant at ei gilydd i ganu yn y Gymraeg am y tro cyntaf, er mwyn rhyddhau addasiad o ‘Every Praise’ gan Hezekiah Walker, sef ‘ Canwn Glod .’ 

Wrth i'r Urdd nesáu at ei chanmlwyddiant yn 2022 mae gan y mudiad gynlluniau uchelgeisiol i sicrhau bod Cymru’n cael effaith gadarnhaol a chodi ymwybyddiaeth mwy o bobl am Gymru, i gynnig profiadau rhyngwladol i bobl ifanc, i ddathlu cyfoeth diwylliannol Cymru yn ogystal â rhannu arfer da gyda chysylltiadau rhyngwladol yn sgil llwyddiant cynyddu’r defnydd, hyder a mwynhad o iaith leiafrifol. 

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Following on from lead single ‘You’re The Summer’, ‘National Anthem’ is the next offering from the collaboration between the Cardiff electronic post-rock duo Ritual Cloak, and writer, comedian and spoken word performer Autumn Juvenile. The track is taken from: 'A Human Being is the Best Disguise’, which is a reworking of Ritual Cloak’s self-titled debut release, with new lyrics and vocals by Autumn Juvenile.

Autumn Juvenile outlines the thinking behind ‘National Anthem’:

“This is about Cardiff and the UK becoming a building site. It is about a vision of the high street becoming a shanty town for spice addicts. It is about the bureaucrats who wave the dragon flag with shit-eating grins as they turn our homes into dormitories for students and hoteliers.

I vividly remember writing this in my manager’s office at work, looking out over the well-kept back gardens of Pontcanna. Two unused lines: ‘For the uncle who called me a faggot/I’m happy being a maggot in the apple’; ‘I would say I have a massive chip on my shoulder, but I don’t want to lean into the stereotype that all Welsh people eat is chips’”

National Anthem is set to Unearthed from the album, Ritual Cloak.

The album was recorded at Kings Road Studios, Cardiff, produced by Ritual Cloak and Autumn Juvenile and mastered by Charlie Francis. It also features vocals from Jemma Roper, as well as Ritual Cloak’s Daniel and Andrew. The cover photography is by Daniel Barnett.

Ritual Cloak is comprised of Daniel Barnett, formerly of the band Samoans, and drummer / producer Andrew Sanders. The duo met in 2013 after Daniel answered an ad for a guitarist to join the backing band for singer Jemma Roper. An instant kinship was struck, with both Daniel and Andrew embracing experimentation and a shared love of electronic music. After the split of Samoans in 2018, the pair began playing around with instrumental textures and piano-led ambient soundscapes, all resulting in their well-received self-titled debut in 2019. They followed this with their second album, ‘Divine Invasions’, released on Bubblewrap Records in 2021.

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Cardiff Psych Rock phenomena 'No Thee No Ess' are poised to release their 2nd single from anticipated new 'Dimmer Switch' Album out via Surk Recordings this September.

'Dimmer Switch'' is the 2nd single to emerge from the new LP and will be released on Friday 27th August, and 'Dimmer Switch' Album will be released on Friday 17th September 2021.

No Thee No Ess is a collaboration between Paul Battenbough (The Cosmic Array, King of Despair) and Andy Fung (Derrero, Cymbient). The two musical and visual artists first met whilst working in the kitchen of a Cardiff arts centre and bonded through a shared love of The Beach Boys, Neil Young, and West Coast psychedelia.

The partnership creates spontaneously, conceiving songs and ideas in the studio and then recording straight away to preserve their freshness and immediacy. The eighth No Thee No Ess album, 'Dimmer switch' was recorded with musician/producer Frank Naughton at his legendary Cardiff studio, ‘Ty Drwg.’

Naughton contributes additional instrumentation, bringing new lysergic colours to songs like “kaleidoscopic” and "Chorus.” The result is among no thee no ess’ most adventurous works to date, rich with experimental energy while retaining their characteristic blissed out vision. Dimmer switch will be released by Surk Recordings on vinyl, CD, streaming, and digital download in August 2021.

"Dimmer Switch is among 'No Thee No Ess’ most adventurous works to date, rich with experimental energy while retaining their characteristic blissed out vision".

"There might be no thee or no ess but there’s plenty of effing joy pumping through this psycho-folk odyssey."

"Full of ideas from master musicians and producer at the top of their respective games. It’s got a 60’s psychedelia, space-race, trippy-swirly feel to it."  

No Thee No Ess on the Socials Here:

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Fun with genealogy

By gaabi, 2021-08-26

I’m slowly working on family genealogy and I got some wonderful family photos recently. Ceri had done his article on a Welshman who was at Little Big Horn and I have an ancestor with a very tangential connection to this.  

My first (so far) Welsh ancestor in North America was James B. Morgan, Sr.  I haven’t got to see much in the way of primary source documents so far, only research other people have done, so I’ve got a ways to go to reach confident certainty on his history. 

James Morgan was born in Llandaff, which is now part of modern-day Cardiff, in 1607. In about 1635, James sailed from Bristol to Boston with his two younger brothers, John and Miles, an ancestor of J. P. Morgan.  James became a freeman in the Plymouth colony and a farmer. 

Some generations later, his many-greats granddaughter, my mother’s great grandmother, Francis Henrietta Steele was born. 

Francis Henrietta (Steele) Bubb

Francis Henrietta (Steele) Bubb

Francis married John Wilson Bubb, who had fought in the union army in the US Civil War and had recently returned to his home in Washington, DC, after spending the end of the war as a captive on a Confederate prison ship. 

John Wilson Bubb

John Bubb went on to become a lieutenant under General George Crook at the Battle of Slim Buttes, to lead an attack on a Lakota village and experience Crook’s Starvation March, also called ”The Horsemeat March" as the punishing 35-mile-a-day pace killed so many mules and horses and soldiers slaughtered them to survive when the few remaining supplies ran out. Bubb was sent to Deadwood to try to secure food and successfully cleaned out the town's stores for his men.

A Campaign from Hell - True West Magazine

Soldier's camp in Cook's Starvation March, from "A Campaign From Hell", by Mike Coppock in True West,

He went on to serve in the Phillipines and become Brig. Gen. John Wilson Bubb. He commanded at least one fort, I’m not sure which one(s) but in the photos I’ve received are some wonderful old shots of life at Fort Sherman, Idaho, and Fort Spokane, Washington, and I’m sharing those below.

Below is a photograph of a June 1893 game of tennis on the lawn at Fort Sherman, which was on the banks of the Spokane River in what is now Coeur d'Alene, in northern Idaho. 


A group of soldiers on a porch at Fort Sherman, Gen. Bubb is seated in the center row, on the right. This photo is undated but other photos in the group had handwritten notes indicating they were from 1893 and 1894. 


Frances Bubb (standing in the back) and a group of ladies at Fort Sherman 1894


Unless otherwise noted, all these photos are from a family collection of John and Henrietta Bubb's effects.


Cardiff Psych Rock phenomena 'No Thee No Ess' are poised to release their 2nd single from anticipated new 'Dimmer Switch' Album out via Surk Recordings this September.

'Dimmer Switch'' is the 2nd single to emerge from the new LP and will be released on Friday 27th August, and 'Dimmer Switch' Album will be released on Friday 17th September 2021.

No Thee No Ess is a collaboration between Paul Battenbough (The Cosmic Array, King of Despair) and Andy Fung (Derrero, Cymbient). The two musical and visual artists first met whilst working in the kitchen of a Cardiff arts centre and bonded through a shared love of The Beach Boys, Neil Young, and West Coast psychedelia.

The partnership creates spontaneously, conceiving songs and ideas in the studio and then recording straight away to preserve their freshness and immediacy. The eighth No Thee No Ess album, 'Dimmer switch' was recorded with musician/producer Frank Naughton at his legendary Cardiff studio, ‘Ty Drwg.’

Naughton contributes additional instrumentation, bringing new lysergic colours to songs like “kaleidoscopic” and "Chorus.” The result is among no thee no ess’ most adventurous works to date, rich with experimental energy while retaining their characteristic blissed out vision. Dimmer switch will be released by Surk Recordings on vinyl, CD, streaming, and digital download in August 2021.

"Dimmer Switch is among 'No Thee No Ess’ most adventurous works to date, rich with experimental energy while retaining their characteristic blissed out vision".


"There might be no thee or no ess but there’s plenty of effing joy pumping through this psycho-folk odyssey."

"Full of ideas from master musicians and producer at the top of their respective games. It’s got a 60’s psychedelia, space-race, trippy-swirly feel to it."


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Theatre of The Ordinary

By Paul Steffan Jones AKA, 2021-08-19

(Curriculum vitae)

he cuts the lawns of an empty property 

the cable of the mower in his hands

is the microphone lead of a famous crooner

on a 1970s television light entertainment show

cracking the whip on kitten backing singers

what will the neighbours think

in their own private theatres?

in the evening when it is more seemly

he pours two glasses of rosé wine

equally mainly by sound 

and during subsequent replenishment 

he thinks he can hear the chorus

of the hymn mae’r Iesu yn geidwad i mi 

(Jesus is my saviour)

in the meeting of drink and glass

the music that follows work’s end

in vino veritas or so it is said

Posted in: Poetry | 1 comments


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Gladfest 2021 details click here

AmeriCymru:  Hi Rhian and many thanks for agreeing to this interview. What can you tell us about the location and history of the Gladstone Library.

Rhian: Hi Ceri, nice to chat with you.  

Gladstone's Library is based in beautiful Hawarden in Flintshire, North Wales. The library collection was originally based in a temporary building set up by William Gladstone, who was prime minister several times over. After his death, a new building - the one which stands today - was designed and built. It has been described as an example of the Victorian Gothic style, but I'm not an architecture buff, so don't quote me on that. I can tell you it's the only library in the UK where you can stay overnight; the building houses 26 bedrooms. It has two wings - you'll find the Reading Rooms in one wing and most of the bedrooms in the other. Some of the books belonged to Gladstone himself. The beds are all new, though.

AmeriCymru:  You offer accommodation at the library. Care to share some details?

Rhian: I think I accidentally answered that (and Q2) in my first response. Yes, there are bedrooms on-site, including two accessible rooms on the ground floor. They're designed to be simple and uncluttered; a lot of our guests come to Gladstone's to write or research, so the fewer distractions, the better. None of them have TVs, but they all have private bathrooms and fresh, uncomplicated decor. 

Gladstone's is a registered charity, and its remit includes supporting and hosting both emerging and established writers. Our Writers in Residence scheme is part of this. Katie Hale, who wrote  I am Monster , will be our next Writer in Residence, so she'll be staying with us in one of those rooms for an extended period - and she will also make an appearance at Gladfest. 

AmeriCymru:  There were guided tours of the library. Have these resumed 'post-pandemic'?

Rhian: Gladstone's did offer 'glimpses' of our Reading Rooms. This is a working library, and our Reading Rooms are silent study spaces, but we found that a lot of visitors who came here for cake and coffee were curious about what went on behind the library doors. Glimpses allowed us to show them the Reading Rooms, which are the really iconic part of Gladstone's, and to share a bit of the history. We are still thinking about how best to proceed when we reopen, but for now glimpses are on hold. 

AmeriCymru:  When was the first Gladfest held? What is the history of the event?

 Gladfest was first held in 2013 and has been a mainstay of our calendar ever since. The pandemic in 2020 made it unworkable, and we were unsure whether it would go ahead this year, so we're really pleased to be able to offer what we can. It's going to take some adjusting, as our supporters are used to being at Gladstone's in person. We know the library building itself is a big part of the draw. Going online means that will change for our attendees. But if the event is successful, that will be a big boost in terms of ensuring Gladfest 2022 can offer both digital and in-person events.

AmeriCymru:  What are the main attractions of this years' festival?

Rhian: We don't really have a keynote speaker or headliner, exactly. All our writers offer unique and fascinating glimpses into the world of literature, whether that's fiction or non-fiction. So, really, they are all our main attractions! There is one slightly unusual talk this year, however. Peter Francis, who has been Warden of Gladstone's Library, is launching his debut, a memoir called  The Widening Circle of Us . The book features insights into the running of Gladstone's Library, as that has been a significant part of his life, so that's going to be interesting. 

AmeriCymru:  There is an online component to this year's festival. Care to tell us more?

Rhian: The festival is still based in Gladstone's Library. All the talks will be livestreamed from the chapel using 4k video feeds, so though it's online, it won't be like watching a teleconference through a webcam. We liked the idea of opening Gladfest up to the whole world, of having Gladstone's go global. We want to bring the library to you.

AmeriCymru:  Any final message for the readers and members of AmeriCymru?

Rhian: Firstly, thank you for reading. If you do want to keep in touch, we have a mailing list which you can sign up to at . We also have a US branch of our Friends programme. Our Friends are financial supporters, and we're very grateful to them, as they make it possible for us to do what we do. Finally, if any of you find yourself in Wales, do pop in for a paned. 


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Mae Tacsidermi yn ôl, ac O! Ry’n ni wedi’u colli nhw! Tacsidermi yw Gwenllian Anthony o enillwyr Y Wobr Gerddoriaeth Gymreig - Adwaith a’r aml-offerynnwr Matthew Kilgariff - gyda’i gilydd maent wedi creu cân bop ysblennydd - ‘Ble Pierre’. Mae pob nodyn wedi’u chwarae â phŵer ac yn atseinio hafau di-hid a rhamantus.

Mae Tacsidermi gyda chefnogaeth David Newington (Boy Azooga) ar y drymiau a chymysgu Matthew Evans (KEYS) wedi creu priodas berffaith rhwng Jane Birkin / Pop 60au Ffrengig Serge Gainsbourg, cerddoriaeth freuddwydiol y 90au gan Stereolab, The Happy Mondays a churiad calon Balearic.

Gyda llais hyfryd Gwenllian wedi’i ganoli yng nghanol y cymysgiad, mae’r gwrandäwr unwaith eto, yn cael ei swyno gan Tacsidermi!

Tacsidermi are back and how we have missed them! Gwenllian Anthony from the ‘Welsh Music Prize’ winning band Adwaith and multi instrumentalist Matthew Kilgariff have crafted a sublime pop song in ‘Ble Pierre’. Every note played is powerfully evocative of never-ending, carefree summers and romantic escape and wonder.

Tacsidermi with the support of David Newington (Boy Azooga) on drums and mixing by Matthew Evans (KEYS) find a perfect marriage of Jane Birkin / Serge Gainsbourg 60s French pop, Stereolab’s 90s dreaminess and The Happy Mondays, Paul Oakenfold infused Balearic heartbeat.

With Gwenllian’s beautiful restrained vocal delivery set at the centre of the mix the listener falls yet again under Tacsidermi’s spell!

Tacsidermi Online Links

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