Arachne. By Susanna Suna.

08/25/16 03:26:36AM
112 posts

She sat close to the washer in the sink and weighed an ounce.

I threw her through the window in the wall.

She is big mama. daddy spiders are but small.

And mama spiders eat them when they call


Mrs. Ugly vacuums in her window flower boxes between gnomes.

Mr. Ugly finds I am no believer in hygiene..

They turn and twist my plates to find out if they’re clean

And take from working poor because they’re mean.


I returned from Haida Gwaii and I realized

Two inches is the width of every mind

Red and white checkered are the colors of their kind

Two feet is their horizon when they’re blind.


Behind the washer webs are not worldwide.

And sometimes when a tiny spiderman

Approaches her he  tries to mate and can.


updated by @americymru: 08/25/16 03:27:31AM