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Sian Richards Music
Sian Richards is a bilingual singer/ songwriter/ acoustic musician from Swansea, South Wales (UK). In the last 6 years she has released a number of tracks in both English and Welsh with many becoming track of the week on BBC Radio Cymru as well as being played on other radio stations throughout the world. She has experience with performing to a live TV audience on programs such as the Welsh program Noson Lawen as well as filming in a studio performing to presenters and other guests on Swansea bay TV and the welsh TV show Heno. She also performs at regular pub gigs, festivals, weddings and fundraisers/ charity events. In 2017 she had the pleasure of performing at TedxSwansea which is a part of the Ted talks international organisation. Last year she was asked to return to Noson Lawen to film for the next series which came out on the 22nd of February this year as well as having the opportunity to promote her Welsh album "Trwy Lygaid Ifanc" on the Welsh program Heno.
Sian gets most of her inspiration from TV series and films as her dream is to write music for TV and Films so she is always looking for more inspiration, especially in the horror department, although she does enjoy performing to a live audience so she is always open to any opportunities that arise as well as a challenge.
For more information please check out her website:
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Penblwydd Hapus i chi! Happy Birthday to you. May your day be full of good friends and family, and good cheer.
Pob hwyl
Croeso Sian...croeso i AmeriCymru. Ceri from Portland Oregon here, formerly from Cardiff south Wales. My partner Gaabriel and I set up this site six years ago as a social site for the Welsh, ex-pats and persons of Welsh descent from around the world. Since then it has grown enormously and we have many plans for future development. Feel free to invite your Twitter and FB friends to join us and please don't hesitate to use the many features on the site ...blogs, photos, forums etc to socialise and communicate with other members of the Welsh 'daiaspora'. Once again....Croeso!