Sarah Anne Jones Key


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By Sarah Anne Jones Key, 2009-04-07
FAST WALK TO LAMPETERI walk circumspect in the light of night,In their dark its easy to fall out of sight.They dont see the forest for a single tree,The place in my head is where Ill be(after my fast walk to Lampeter.)Having experienced low voltage hum,I now march in step to my own paid drum.I know what they may never learnMy success is greater than they may earn(after my fast walk to Lampeter.)Hello, there; I greet you well,Were birds of a feather, I can tell.Were beginning a brand new day.I plan to be here; I hope you stay(after my fast walk to Lampeter.)I speak to you as to myself.I wont be filed on a dusty shelf,I have a light, I know the wayFrom light in darkness to full sun ray(after my fast walk to lampeter.)
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