Roy Norry


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Blogs: 3
images: 16


Hi everyone. My hobby is creating websites and indeed anything that 'communicates and informs', and I would like to just tell you about my latest Internet venture which will be of use to those who have an interest in North Wales and in particular the current weather conditions.I have installed a weather station at my home, built it into a website and added a few extra resources for your info. It is a non-commercial website (a hobby) and you can view it at Take care all.Roy
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One of our Presenters at Wrexham FM, Elly Roberts, has taken a batch of photos on New Years Day, January 1st 2009 along the Offas Dyke footpath and around Worlds End in North Wales. If anyone wants to view them they can be seen here in Elly's Gallery Album .
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Welsh Societies and Ex Pats

By Roy Norry, 2009-01-01
Happy New Year to all.I have begun, thanks to the American Welsh Social Network, to compile a links directory as part of the website for which you can see here: anyone has any other suggestions or links to offer to me for inclusion in this directory please by all means let me have them.Many thanks.
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