Quentin Whistleton Thynne


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Blogs: 5


user image 2010-09-10
By: Quentin Whistleton Thynne
Posted in:
GOOD LORD! Having recently recovered from an attack of the vapours I glanced at the Thunderer this very morn only to discover that someone called Roon has been planting his wick in Pakistani bungs whilst intending to burn books of some eastern order.

In my day we'd have none of this flibberjibbery; sportsmen were always gentlemen and devil dodgers were kept at arms length, given a stiff G and T and sent to Calcutta.

Bye the bye - I don't know if anyone has noticed but Blighty is being run ( albeit on a superficial level ) by a bunch of jumped up hooray Henry's who wouldn't know how to organise a two car funeral. Bloody liberalism masquerading as oligarchical bull in a china shoppery just isn't on don't cha know.

What we need is a return to some good old fashioned social prejudice based on money; I have enough lucre to bribe William Gates Esq several times over and indeed have done in the past - he would draw the line at Whistleton Windows however and Memsahib Microsoft was also passed over. ( Memo to self - release another 100 Billion from funds to surpress Google ).

Time to go now my colonial chums. I can here the gin man putting the Gordon's on the patio.

Chin Chin!