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Music and ideas for Radio Glamorgan
I produce and present the two hour "2till4" slot every Friday on Radio Glamorgan , the radio station for wales' largest hospital.I am always looking for unusual stories and especially music for my "Welsh and local" segment. If you have any ideas email me - or post here.If you want to send me music files email me first in case the size/format is problematic.Thanks so much.
Ceri - that would be cool - not surer whether promoting now would encourage people to take their holidays in Portland (though Vancover is only a hop away ...) or better to leave until later. I'll certainly pick up some of the music links and give it a plug when I do ... keep remindng me, and send any news of news acts etc.ThanksPeter
Hi PeterA feature on "The Left Coast Eisteddfod" would be cool:-