Pauline Cawdery


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Birthdays and Pony Hooves

user image 2009-08-01
By: Pauline Cawdery
Posted in:
How did I get to be 56? Where did the last 20 odd years go to?I could say I am in my very late 20's but I don't think that will fool many people for long.Still I reckon myself to be in better shape than a lot of ladies my age, mostly due to the physical activity we both put ourselves through on a daily basis.Grey hair notwithstanding of course.But hitting a "50" year makes you ponder your mortality just a bit I think.I got together with my current husband when I was 40. That was 16 years ago. In another 16 years (and boy have the first lot gone quickly!) I shall be 72. Sorry, but that is just a bit scarey.Thanks to all of your for the birthday wishes by the way. I may have a wee dram tonight to celebrate.Off now back to the barn where my husband is dealing with a pony who has come back today from a loan home. We thought he was fine till we looked at his feet. My husband is an equine podiatrist and is livid at the state of them. The pony suffers from laminitis. Its an inflammation of the hoof laminii caused by a variety of reasons, rich grass being one of the major causes. It is controllable and the people assured us that they were quite capable of caring for the animal. Well they might have been but the farrier that has been doing his feet cetainly wasn't. The toes of the front hooves have been cut back to the bone, the animal is lame and it will take some time for that to sort itself out. He can go out on soft ground but on any sort of gravel or concrete he can hardly stand it and will have to wear special boots again. Whe he left here he was 100% sound and ridable.Just goes to show that you can't get it right all the time when it comes to rehoming.

08/01/09 10:23:42PM @gaabi:
Happy birthday, Pauline - I'm having those thoughts of mortality and I'm younger than you so, eek! I always think that at least it's not so bad if you're doing things with your life that you think are right and good and I hope you are. I hope you've had a great birthday and that your pony gets sorted out as quickly as possible, that sounds very painful.