Paul Steffan Jones 1st


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Remember The Young

user image 2020-06-19
By: Paul Steffan Jones AKA
Posted in: Poetry

A five year old patient

with underlying health conditions

diminutive in her intubation

and her chariot-like bed

nameless to us



in this scary place

of scary-looking people

the sounds of ongoing urgency

of breathing big as a country

it's hard to read a person's face

when it's behind a covering

they say that with this bastard 

you die alone

no one to hold your hand 

no one to lie that everything's 

going to be alright

no one to say goodbye


Ceri Shaw
06/19/20 07:34:18PM @ceri-shaw:

Speechless! I had to go for a walk to clear my head after reading this.