Meurig Williams


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I have just published a book at Amazon. Title: WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WELSH?  WHY ARE THEY MOCKED BY THE ENGLISH?  AN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVE.  Here is a summary: 

“Mocking the Welsh is the last permitted bigotry” - The Spectator, 2009. It is entrenched in British lore, well documented by Shakespeare, and considered so disturbing that the Welsh Assembly has recently called for “an end to persistent anti-Welsh racism in the UK media”. Here, we explore reasons for this behavior, and trace its origin by delving into areas where the histories of Wales and England intersect. Both unfortunate and intrinsically unsavory characteristics of the English are identified, which are responsible for the mockery and other aspects of their culture.

It is available as a paperback and soon in Kindle. 

Ceri Shaw
10/26/16 04:01:02AM @ceri-shaw:

Diolch for posting Meurig. Book sounds interesting. Will email you shortly :)