Meredith Morgan


Recently Rated:


American Anthem in Welsh

Duration: 00:01:21
This girl has a lovely voice and it's a lovely video

Meic Phillips
10/10/08 06:35:02PM @meic-phillips:
The editing can be done in something as simple as Windows Movie Maker... But this is a WONDERFULLY produced video! Bravo! That little girl certainly has great talent.. I've never heard the Star Spangled Banner ever sung in Welsh before! TERRIFIC.
10/10/08 06:03:50PM @gaabi:
I loved this, it's beautiful and extremely powerful - where does it come from? Is this your work? Was it part of something else? If it's yours, what did you do it in? (ie Final Cut, Avid, etc)
Wales Media
10/10/08 01:42:58PM @wales-media:
Thanks for adding my film to your page. I'd be really interseted to hear what anyone else thinks of this clip.Thanks,Craig
Meredith Morgan
10/10/08 05:53:02AM @meredith-morgan:
and I should say it came from youtube and you should see the entry there, there's a message written with the video