Lorraine Jenkin


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Being Slung out of The Hay Festival!

user image 2011-06-08
By: Lorraine Jenkin
Posted in:

This week I was slung out of The Hay Festival!

For anyone who isnt aware, Hay-on-Wye is the little Mid Wales town that has become world reknown for second hand books. About twenty years or so ago, a few enthusiasts were chatting over a beer and decided to start The Hay Literary Festival. It is now a huge event with people coming from all over the world to speak or to listen or just to read books in the sunshine (rain).

I thought, where better to gather interest in voting for my novel Cold Enough to Freeze Cows to win The Peoples Book Prize? So, I bribed the children to wear t-shirts that I had printed up for them and we set off in the rain to speak to people.

My plan was for the children to smile sweetly at people to attract their attention. I would then nobble them and ask them to vote for me. To a point it worked. But then the girls started to get bored and then a bit wild, spinning around poles, rolling along the corridors and getting the baby to crawl through the wet grass. My back-up plan was to feed them junk to keep them occupied for another ten minutes.

Being rather a high-brow event, I am still convinced that I wouldnt have got thrown out if I had fed the children oatmeal biscuits or a tub of chopped-up fruit, but my mistake was to give them crisps and horrible chocolatey mini-rolls. It was only a matter of time before Security was called, and I was ejected for unauthorised canvassing...

Therefore, in place of the votes I didnt manage to get from The Hay Festival, I would like to ask whether the good people of Americymru might consider voting for me, please? If so, the website is http://www.peoplesbookprize.com/finalist.php and the book is Cold Enough to Freeze Cows . If anyone does vote, please let me know and your name will be put in my grand prize draw to win a signed copy!

Many thanks! I havent won anything since the 50metre skip in 1978

Lorraine Jenkin
06/13/11 10:51:43AM @lorraine-jenkin:

Thanks Rhianne - I will hunt down Tracy Williams! Sadly, I didn't take any pics - shame really, but I did think I'd have a bit more time...

Perhaps I'll get a muscley friend with a bluetooth and a hard stare and I'll re-enact the eviction.


Rhianne Griffiths
06/09/11 12:32:47PM @rhianne-griffiths:

I wonder what 'authorised canvassing' is Lorraine?

Did you bump into the infamous Tracy Williams from Brecon ?

Now there's a blatant publicity stunt if ever there was one...I'm not recommending this, BTW!

N.B. Children attract far more attention when spinning around poles ... you might have gathered more votes than you imagine! Do post pics, I'm sure it was a hoot!

Hwyl, Rhianne

Lorraine Jenkin
06/08/11 08:42:15PM @lorraine-jenkin:
Thank you folks - much appreciated! And yes, I do seem to have got alot more respect from having been evicted than I had when I did a talk there!
06/08/11 08:06:05PM @gaabi:

Vote, done! And you can read an excerpt of the book on the link, anyone -

06/08/11 07:08:25PM @gaabi:
Wow, that seems kind of harsh, all you did to "canvas" was your kids had t-shirts on? Fie on someone giving a writing mom crap for that! And I'd love to see a pic of the shirts, that's fabulously enterprising, and I think totally permissible, guerilla marketing!
Ceri Shaw
06/08/11 06:27:59PM @ceri-shaw:
Dun voted
Ceri Shaw
06/08/11 05:08:49PM @ceri-shaw:

Count me in! Never been chucked out of a literary event ( although I have been ejected from a few bars in my time ) but the term 'unauthorized canvassing' has an unpleasantly familiar ring to it. For some time after arriving in the US I made a living collecting petition signatures. Many States ( including Oregon ) have a petition process and measures which attract sufficient support go to a ballot each year, becoming law if they win a majority vote. There are a plethora of rules about where you can and can not collect signatures and I've fallen foul of this, that or the other regulation on many occasions.

So......its time for a little solidarity. I'm with anyone who is escorted from the premises for canvassing

Lesley Parker
06/08/11 04:07:31PM @lesley-parker:
I'm voting for your book, just on the bases that I think Hay is a bit too self importantand everyone needs some crisps and chocolate mini-rolls in their lives once in a while.