I'm here I'm there I'm everywhere. So beware! LOL.
12/19/12 03:34:04AM @gaabi:
Now you can, Brett - "LFPLL"!Ian! Where have you been and what have you been up to?
12/18/12 11:19:16PM @brett-hull:
Thanks for posting Ian. My daughter can say it but I cannot. We have an exact replica of this train station sign that sent by the Welsh Government in Remsen, NY. You can check it out if you go to my photo album at http://americymru.net/profile/BrettHull
LOL? Shouldn't that be muhahahahahaha
I'm here I'm there I'm everywhere. So beware! LOL.
Now you can, Brett - "LFPLL"!Ian! Where have you been and what have you been up to?
Thanks for posting Ian. My daughter can say it but I cannot. We have an exact replica of this train station sign that sent by the Welsh Government in Remsen, NY. You can check it out if you go to my photo album at http://americymru.net/profile/BrettHull