Gaabriel Becket


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The Left Coast Eisteddfod

The Left Coast Eisteddfod

Friday August 21 2009, 11:00 AM
@ McMenamin's Crystal Ballroom, 1332 West Burnside Street,...
Attendees:  @Ingrid Kincaid@Gwenllian Baldock@Mary Gilchrist@Lisa Ellen (Lewis) Cavallo@Paul Becket@Nola Becket@Paul Jorden Becket@Heron Bratschi@Mark Powell@Geoff Gillam@BEE RICHARDS@Edward Channon@Ceri Shaw@gaabi
A Contemporary Welsh Performing Arts Festival in Portland, Oregon, USA - City of Roses. Appearances include: BBC Radio Wales' Chris Needs , tenor Bruce Anderson , Oceans Apart , author Niall Griffiths , author Chris Keil , sculptor David Western , Portland's Jesus Presley and Runaway Norm and Here Be Dragons from Cardiff

Tickets on the site below or at TicketMaster on sale now

Friday Night show:-

Here Be Dragons
Jesus Presley
Runaway Norm


Saturday Night Show:-

Chris Needs
Bruce Anderson
Oceans Apart
Tyler Stenson


07/01/09 11:32:06AM @bee-richards:
What a fabulous presentation. The song is fabulous, coupled with the images of the Afan Valley redolent with memories. I can smell the sulphur, the coal, the trucks steam, the tarry atmosphere of my childhood. And dont forget the sheep amidst of all this carnage, they were still on the hillsides, above the houses snaking up the valley. It captures the hiraeth and the security of my very industrialised childhood. The dirty river Afan once polluted with coaldust and anything else such as old prams, bikes, sardine tins and all manner of rubbish now runs cold and clear again. The valley has gone back to sleep. Links in with my e book 'Nantybar ' which documents the rise and subsequent disappearance of one of the Afan Valley communities. All gone. all lost!Best .................... Bee
Ceri Shaw
06/30/09 11:04:35PM @ceri-shaw:

For full updated details on the Day Time Events & Celtic Market go to this page CLICK HERE . For an update on the daytime events as of Tuesday June 30th see below. The ticket price of $5 for the daytime program includes admission to the Welsh/Celtic market and all presentations held on the day of purchase. Tickets for the market and daytime events can be purchased at the venue. Tickets for the Friday ($20) and Saturday($22 seated) shows can be purchased in advance from Ticketmaster ( see above links ) or on the night at the venue. We are advising all persons who are travelling any distance to purchase online in advance to avoid disappointment.

Ceri Shaw
06/30/09 10:40:32PM @ceri-shaw:

Day Time Events & Celtic Market

Admission to the Eisteddfod day events between 9:00AM and 5:00PM is $5.00 per person over the age of 13 at the door, free admission for children 13 years old and under. The Welsh Market and children's entertainment will be presented in the main ballroom. Events in Lola's Room, including seminars and the author's reading, will be presented in the bar/licensed premises and are limited to ages 21 and over. The evening shows Friday and Saturday are also 21 and over. Times of daytime events are yet to be announced but all will take place between 10 and 5.



  • 11. A.M "In Search of Gareth Hughes" A documentary about about one of Hollywood's first silent movie stars ( born in Llanelli ) who later became a missionary amongst the Paiute Indians.
  • 1. P.M. Welsh lovespoons with carver David Western
  • 2. P.M. A presentation on the pleasures, perils and pitfalls of piping by Edward Channon - a master musician who has been playing the bagpipes for 35 years. He will also be signing copies of his new book 'Ballad Of A Bagpipe' in the Welsh Market throughout the weekend
  • 3. P.M. A presentation on the Welsh language and Welsh language poetry with John Good
  • 4. P.M. T.B.A


  • 10. A.M A presentation on reading the Runes by Americymru member Ingrid Kincaid .
  • 11. A.M "In Search of Gareth Hughes" A documentary about about one of Hollywood's first silent movie stars ( born in Llanelli ) who later became a missionary amongst the Paiute Indians.
  • 12. P.M. A lecture and question and answer on the legend of Prince Madoc presented by Beryl Richards. There will also be a related movie screening details T.B.A.

  • 2. P.M. Authors' salon, readings and Q&A with Niall Griffiths , Chris Keil
  • 4. P.M. T.B.A