Gaabriel Becket


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Buy Hugh Roberts a Pint in PORTLAND, OR!

Buy Hugh Roberts a Pint in PORTLAND, OR!

Friday October 24 2008, 9:00 PM
@ The Horse Brass Pub, 4534 SE Belmont Street, Portland, OR
Attendees:  @Ceri Shaw@Andrew T Davis@gaabi
IMPORTANT! Hugh had to go back to SoCal and won't be able to be here in Portland Friday night - he arrived yesterday and then got an emergency phone call tonight and had to turn around and drive right back south - :(
Ceri and I will still be there Friday night to meet anyone who wants to come -

Hugh hopes to be able to fly back up and bring his wife and then we'll try this again! So sorry everybody -

10/20/08 05:56:53PM @gaabi:
Oh, so sorry! Board meetings at the pub?
10/20/08 05:39:09PM @gaabi:
well, and some boring corporately bizniz, boyo!
10/20/08 04:36:49PM @gaabi:
Can't wait to see you, we'll have big fun!
Brian y Tarw Llwyd
10/20/08 02:26:59AM @brian-y-tarw-llwyd:
Make sure Hugh picks up after himself and leaves a big tip... otherwise, I may be in big trouble when I get to the Horse Brass the following week.