Gaabriel Becket


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GIANT FLESH-EATING SLUG FOUND IN WALES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

user image 2008-10-02
By: gaabi
Posted in:

Huge, flesh-eating slugs have been found in Wales. The gigantic, flesh-eating, so-called "Ghost Slug," named because of its white color and the fact that it hunts at night, is armed with rows of razor-blade teeth that it uses to engulf its prey alive, piece by piece, one end still hopelessly kicking while the other is helplessly devoured.

The National Geographic reports that the monstrous, flesh-eating creature's origin remains a mystery and that it is not known how serious a threat it is to Britain's native flora, which include humans.

As can be seen in the photograph* below, a giant slug in Cardiff could be very dangerous and cause incredible damage.

[* artist rendering]

Ceri Shaw
10/02/08 05:35:10AM @ceri-shaw:
In truth I am no enemy of the slug race. I have always admired their single-minded determination to dissolve themselves in beer which I consider to be a most admirable character trait.
Brian y Tarw Llwyd
10/02/08 05:28:28AM @brian-y-tarw-llwyd:
Is it possible that there is an alien slug invasion going on here? far as I know, slugs really have no natural enemies, except perhaps Ceri.
Ceri Shaw
10/02/08 05:00:51AM @ceri-shaw:
THE WELSH CHEF SAYS:- "Several traditional Welsh recipes are prepared using these tasty morsels which, contrary to this report, have been known to local cuisine for centuries."