Gaabriel Becket


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2009 Bryn Seion Gymanfa Ganu in Beavercreek, Oregon

user image 2009-06-30
By: gaabi
Posted in:

Bryn Seion Church celebrated its 125th anniversary this last Sunday in Beavercreek, Oregon. A church service was held at 11:00AM, the first sing of the annual Gymanfa Ganu at 1:45PM, followed by an afternoon tea and the evening sing at 6:00PM.

From the Gymanfa program:

"Musical guests in alphabetical order:

"Rhiannon Acree was born and raised in Dolgellau, North Wales, to a distinguished musical family. She now lives in Long Beach, CA where she has a home-health care company. She has conducted many Gymanfaoedd including the National North American Gymanfa Ganu in San Jose in 2001. This is her third time directing Bryn Seion's Gymanfa.

"Reverend John O. Hasenjaeger, co-pastor of Bryn Seion church is a minister of the Presbyterian church USA and has been preaching [at Bryn Seion] regularly for just a year. John teaches philosophy and religion in Mt Hood Community College in Gresham, Oregon and is an active volunteer with the music program there; he also assists in the ministry of several congregations in the area.

" Bronn and Katherine Journey are from Sultan, WA. Bronn's grandfather directed Bryn Seion's first Gymanfa Ganu in 1936. Bronn has performed for many Welsh functions in the northwest. Katherine is from Calgary, AB and has a Master's Degree in vocal performance. Her parents moved to Calgary from the "old country" of the Netherlands shortly after the close of WWII. Bronn and Katherine recently returned from a 13,000 mile US concert tour to the east coast, presenting programs for community concerts.

"Peter Kramer is a music student at MHCC, emphasizing composition, also studying piano and violin, and singing tenor in the MHCC chamber choir and playing violin in the orchestra.

"Quinland Porter is retired from Lewis and Clark college where she taught English and Humanities. She has been participating in Bryn Seion's Gymanfaoedd since 1952, and has sung locally with the Symphonic Choir, Portland Camerata, Portland Revels, St Steven's Cathedral Choir and Ascension Chapel.

"Owen Hofmann-Smith, cellist, has played with several regional symphonies and jazz combos including the Metropolitan Youth Symphony, Portland Youth Philharmonic, Mount Hood Community College and Mount Hood Symphony.

"Teresa Vosse is currently organist at Glenfair Evangelical Church, Portland, accompanist the classical choirs at [Mount Hood Community College], and plays violin in the MHCC orchestra. Teresa is retired from a career as a music educator, specializing in the classical strings."

Betty Pierce corralled as many of the children as she could to sing "Calon Ln" to a packed house during the morning sing, and joined them. The church building was completely full and the audience spilled out onto the lawn on both sides.

Mark Powell
07/12/09 04:52:26AM @mark-powell:
"David, the radiant star of the heavens, trusty witness of the New Law,"Shineth brightly in the land of Britain;"By whose greatly-renowned life and teaching of the Truth"Menevia is adorned."As was the birth of the Forerunner and Baptist,"So that of this hierarch was Divinely foretold;"How great a servant of Christ he was to be"Honey declareth, water, and a deer, signs given from heaven...."O Hierarch David, mighty struggler, by thy prayers,"Mayst thou overthrow the Goliath who is enemy of our eternal destiny."
Mark Powell
07/12/09 04:47:29AM @mark-powell: