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Great review out on Lloyd Jones' "Secret Life of a Postman"

user image 2014-10-20
By: gaabi
Posted in: Book Reviews

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 As I was lucky enough to be building the ebook for this, I got to read them all and this book is absolutely awesome.

Poet and reviewer Marc Mordey posted this review on his blog:

"I remember reading , and thoroughly enjoying, Lloyd Jones novel, ‘Mr Vogel’ and making the mental note that ‘I must read more of this man’s work’..but then, somehow, the opportunity has not arisen (or I have not made it happen).

  "Just lately I was gifted a copy of Mr Jones’ new collection of poetry – ‘The Secret Life of a Postman’, and what a fine present this has turned out to be.

 "I have been working my way gradually through this impressive selection of poems – it is a big volume and there is a deal of complexity in the words and rhythms of the poet : not a book to be absorbed at one reading, but a delightful, literary chocolate box to dip into and relish (and we are talking high end confectionary here!)"

This is all true and I can't recommend it highly enough. When I was working on this, I had the daily experience of getting smacked upside the head with meaty, meaningful concepts and imagery that I had to go chew over, that made me think and feel, that challenged and elevated me. If you can read, you should read this.

You can get either the ebook direct edition pdf here or kindle for Amazon