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Today's exciting trip news (reproduced with permission) from the Coast-2-Coast USA team - a bunch of brave dads/uncles/brothers/friends of children from the UK, cycling across the southern continental United States from Oceanside, California to St. Augustine, Florida to raise donations for the Children's Hospital for Wales and the Noah's Ark Appeal . Show them your support with pledges and, if you're on their route - especially at the end in St Augustine, Florida - turn out and welcome them, put them up or feed them or just buy them a beer! Previous days entries here:- March 19th , 22nd , 23rd , 24th , 25th , 26th , 27th , 28th Interview with Americymru member and Coast2Coast rider Gareth Evans:- here . Listen to Coast-2-Coast USA's Richard Belcher on Radio Glamorgan with Peter Cox!
Gar's #8
Taos - Clovis, New Mexico - Day 7
The Taos hospitality continued until our departure, with a fantastic breakfast of pankakes, sausages and eggs, as well as strawberry smoothie and blackberries. Bloody fantatstic. An early departure from the local church, and we're on our way past mount wheeler... Another climb to 9,500 and then it was all downhill.
Unfortunately for us, a snow blizzard had set in, and in order to ensure that all vehicles crossed the peak and got to the next valley before a was back in the camper.
This really pissed Ricky Bobby Belcher off, to the point that he actually swore, and unfortunately for me, when he does get peeved, he turns into the hulk...and just wants to go fast... Too fast for me. After the initial 15 miles or so, the strong winds took affect, and slowed my progress, meaning Rich blew ahead, the only thing kicking the legs into life - being chased by various sets of dogs as we pass through deserted villages. The last mile of the leg, a strong gust brought me to a standstill, and I toppled over 'a la traffic lights' style, unable to get my cleats out in time, onto the hard shoulder.
That seemed to have a similar effect on me as the mornings frustration on the Belcher, and we both 'got on the bang' for the next 20 miler. An interstate and crosswind Canyon later, we were back on, but with time against us, tactics change, and it is literally a case of 15mile time trailing for the reminder of the day. By now, we'd dropped to an altitude of about 5,000ft, and although not as high as previous peaks, the increased effort from all the guys starts to take it's toll, with chests getting tight, wheezy coughs becoming evident. Bring on the day when we're back at sea level...or anything else under the height of Snowdon.
The afternoon turned out to be as pleasurable a stint as we've had. The time trial legs of 15miles changed slightly, and as our speeds increased, so did the miles, with the first flying up to 25 miles in an hour dead. The hwyl was good, and supported by a bit of tailwind, the speeds continued of re final two stints of the day. It's all down to Merv's hotpot of supernoodles, mushrooms, luncheon meet and caws Cenarth. Food of champions. It must have been good, cos a bit of karaoke came into play on the last few legs, with 99 problems, crocodile shoes and what's new pussycat !
Andy and Phil finish the day, an on the van with Dyffers, he's disappointed to find no signs of pain on our faces. There's plenty of pain, but I don't think ballsack rash is appropriate for Radio Cymru. There's a long, long, way to go, and although the legs are good, the wind has played havoc on our wrists, shoulders and necks... A good Thai massage is needed. Tomorrow, we cross to Texas, and one of the biggest states in the country will have plenty to offer and challenge us. Three days it will take to cross, and hopefully the torrential rains and tornados of earlier in the week have moved on to Dakota... I hope so, otherwise rich will turn into the hulk again, and I'll have trouble keeping up.
Right, I'm off to find a masseur.
A message from Grace Jones, Taos
Our family enjoyed sharing the beautiful arrival of your cyclist team in Taos.
I'd like to say a personal thank you. Nobody cares that you are not professional cyclist, but that you are, "Warriors, Angels, and Hero's !!!
I have many friends, that have cancer, my mother just past away March 5, 2009.
It is people like you who make a difference in this world. You are helping children and their families have better medical care, and place to stay when their children are sick in the hospital.
We have travelled your path, and we know the weather conditions are extreme, and dangerous!
But because you are Warriors, Angels, and Hero's, you will have great protection on your journey to raise money for these children. You will be honored by people with great appreciation. You will have many blessings on your path. You will be gifted by the Great Spirit and Mother earth. You will see and experience paradise. Eagles will watch over you, bears, cougars, wolfs, coyotes, snakes,elk, buffalo, tarantulas, deer, will cross your path honoring you! You will see cloud spirits, that will communicate an image never seen before. Be aware of these great blessings on your journey back home. You make the world a better place to live in. We honor you, and wish you a safe journey home to your family.
* Thank you for the beautiful music this evening, it will be remembered forever in our hearts.O nah ka wa,
Paul, Grace and Viollette Jones
Sweetwater to receive visitors from Wales
Written by Amanda Moreno
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Sweetwater will receive a visit from nine team members from Wales who are cycling across the USA to raise money for a children's hospital. Following the cyclist team, will be a documentary film crew.
According to Andy Edwards, a group of friends were sitting around thinking about what would be the next crazy thing to do and the idea snowballed into the coast to coast bicycle ride.
Around 8 p.m. on March 27, the team of nine will make their way into Sweetwater. That day they will be traveling from Clovis, N.M. and will stop and stay in Sweetwater. The next day, at 8 a.m. they will continue their journey to Austin. The cyclist team will spend a total of four days in Texas, according to their website. The team flew to Los Angeles on March 17, to prepare for their cross-country tour. The team began in California, on March 20, and will end their cross country tour on April 3, in Florida. For a complete map and timeline, visit
"We wanted to take in as many sights as possible so it's a bit of a zigzag. We will see the Mojave Desert, Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, amongst other destinations," Edwards said.
According to Edwards, they are estimating around 200 or more miles per day. The goal of the ride is to raise a minimum of $50,000 for the first children's hospital in Wales. Up until recently, Wales did not have a children's hospital. For 15 years, a campaign went on to get the project started and in February of 2005 the first phase of the Children's Hospital for Wales, opened its doors. The hospital consists of two medical wards and two floors dedicated to children with cancer, education room and playrooms on each floor, according to the website.
The Noah's Ark Appeal raised the money for the first phase of this hospital, but understands that the fundraising can't stop. According to their website, the Noah's Ark Appeal not only wants 'to provide a world-class hospital, but also continue to raise funds to support and maintain a world-class standard of care and facilities for the poorly children who are treated here.'
The hospital is predicted to treat over 8,000 in-patients and 20,000 out-patients each year. This is also the first hospital in Wales devoted to treating sick children.
To help justify the amount of money that needed to be raised, the team decided to take on, what is considered to be, one of the most grueling endurance tests on the planet. They are not only planning to cycle 4,000 miles, across the American continent, but they are giving themselves a deadline of 14 days.
The team consists of Gareth Evans, Richard Belcher, Andy Edwards, Phil Jenkins, making up the initial part of the team, and Ian Stone, Mevyn Cooper, Andrew James, Henry Jones and Tomos Wilding, make up the rest of the team. According to the Coast2Coast website, each member is relying on something different to get them through this tedious adventure. Richard Belcher is depending on cups of tea and lots of doughnuts. Andy Edwards is said to eat in excess of 8,000 calories per day, when he goes on different rides. Gareth Evans, on the other hand, is looking to hypnotherapy, to get him through the ride.
"We can not believe how big this country is and how helpful and supportive the American public have been in supporting us in what is becoming a trip of a lifetime," Andy Edwards said.
For more information go to If donating a check please make it out to Noah's Ark Appeal and mail to Andy Edwards, Penllew, Pendine, Carmarthen, Wales, U.K. SA33 4PQ.
Radio Cymru blog link
Good Wishes from Crete
Still reading The Blog - sounds as if you are having a Great Welcome in every place.
Keep at it - although it must be hard sometimes!
Quote of the week: I tell Mike - 'even Zorro escorted them into Taos - you do know Zorro, Mike?' 'Yes', he replies - 'what is Zorro the Greek doing there?'
Missing you lots.
Helen Liz and Mike
I just caught up with the blog again. What a beautiful post from Grace. I had wanted to write some of the stories that you didn't get to hear but she has told her own so well. At the dinner, she asked more about the fundraising. I told her what I'd read about the plans for Noah's Ark including cancer wards, bright walls, a happy atmosphere for children and accommodation for parents. She told me then about her mother and that a dear friend of hers has a child suffering from cancer in the Albuquerque hospital. They are so grateful that there is a place nearby where they can stay.
And here is Crow's story. You might remember that Dean Johnson brought a friend to the Taos breakfast. Just before he left the party, Dean found out that we were serving breakfast and he asked if there was room for 2 more. Of course. I learned then that Crow is from Florida near where you'll end your ride. He is an ex marine and recently his wife and daughter were killed by a drunk driver. His wife was from Taos so Crow carried their ashes, on foot, refusing all rides, along the same route you're taking (or very close to). Dean found him, invited him to stay and employed him at the Plaza store. Dean felt in some way that it would be very special if Crow could come to the breakfast and share, in some way, in what you are doing. So it seems to me that when you get way out of your comfort zone and take on the type of challenge that you have all undertaken, there is a very big ripple affect and so many lives are touched.
And here's a correction for Gareth. The New Mexicans didn't like your singing at all. WE LOVED IT!! And whose Lance? (Just kidding). He may ride faster but as a man he'd have a hell of a job catching any one of you!
With love and hugs to all,
Phil's Blog Day 8 Clovis N.Mex.
Here we are Clovis, New Mexico and just 10 miles from our next state, Texas. The wind is howling at 50 - 60 mph and the snow is coming down.
After a cold start yesterday in Taos the day warmed as we headed South and East and thoughts of warmer weather and huge Texan steaks started to fill ones mind. Cycling all day everyday allows you to think about many things, the fantastic things we have seen, the massive vistas that this country has and what am I going to eat tonight....
Wind was a factor yesterday but as we turned to a more easterly direction a tail wind helped us make up lots of ground with Andy and I averaging over 24mph on the bike during our last couple of legs.
Taos was amazing with the people there extending an incredibly warm welcome that I doubt will ever be surpassed. A civic reception in the main plaza with singing and music, a police escort followed by Zorro on horseback and a great party in the evening and a chance to meet and chat to the people who helped make it all happen there.
Halfway through our challenge and we've seen so many amazing sites and places its hard to take it all in. Highlights so far have to include though:-
- The Grand Canyon (when the weather cleared)
- Cycling on Route 66
- Monument Valley
- Taos
- Mount Brazos climb
Happy pedalling
Phil (cold feet) Jenkins