Gaabriel Becket


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PLEASE vote for Welsh bluegrass band, the Beef Seeds!

user image 2013-12-15
By: gaabi
Posted in:

The Beef Seeds, a bluegrass quartet from Newport, are in a competition for best cover of "Wake Me Up," by Avicii -

Ceri's been bugging me to watch their videos all week and I kept not doing it until yesterday and then finally did and WOW!!! I love them, they're fantastic!

Please watch and vote for them -

Click this link to go to the page to vote for them!

If you like bluegrass (I do) and even if you don't, they're still a fun group to watch and listen -

Ceri Shaw
12/17/13 04:19:27PM @ceri-shaw:

Don't forget to vote DAILY! Last day of voting today!!!!

Ceri Shaw
12/17/13 04:16:02PM @ceri-shaw:

Diolch for the heads up.....going to vote again now

Harold Powell
12/17/13 03:32:35PM @harold-powell:

Voting ends today and you can vote each day.

12/16/13 03:03:19PM @gaabi:

Thank you, Harold and Dian!

Jack, I think a cover can be original and is more supposed to be "nice to listen to."

Dian Sirkin
12/15/13 07:52:54PM @dian-sirkin:

Fun to watch and listen. Hope they win. Diolch, Gaabi.

Harold Powell
12/15/13 06:30:45PM @harold-powell:

Diolch, gaabi. I voted. They deserve to win!