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PLEASE vote for Welsh bluegrass band, the Beef Seeds!
The Beef Seeds, a bluegrass quartet from Newport, are in a competition for best cover of "Wake Me Up," by Avicii -
Ceri's been bugging me to watch their videos all week and I kept not doing it until yesterday and then finally did and WOW!!! I love them, they're fantastic!
Please watch and vote for them -
Click this link to go to the page to vote for them!
If you like bluegrass (I do) and even if you don't, they're still a fun group to watch and listen -
Don't forget to vote DAILY! Last day of voting today!!!!
Diolch for the heads up.....going to vote again now
Voting ends today and you can vote each day.
Thank you, Harold and Dian!
Jack, I think a cover can be original and is more supposed to be "nice to listen to."
Fun to watch and listen. Hope they win. Diolch, Gaabi.
Diolch, gaabi. I voted. They deserve to win!